Page 49 of The Originals
Colleen was standing in the doorway with a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. She slowly walked over, stopping a few feet away.
“Maureen is visiting her mom who lives about five hours away, and none of the other old ladies were available, so…um” —Colleen swallowed— “Mick asked if I could hang around and stay with you. Is that okay?”
It was better than okay. It was as if Mick knew exactly what she’d need and provided it for her. Colleen was the perfect choice for a comforting companion.
“Yes,” Meg whispered.
It was like a sucker punch to the stomach, and Meg never saw it coming. One second she was numb, and the next the night’s events flooded her mind, and she was overcome with fear and panic. The calm before the emotional storm. Meg started to shake, which seemed to trigger Colleen out of her hesitation. The girl rushed over to Meg, putting her arm around her shoulders and guiding her to a barstool.
Once Meg was seated, she expected Colleen to step away, but she placed her hand on Meg’s back and caressed in a circular motion. It was soothing. It took some time, but Meg eventuallycalmed down, and her breathing returned to normal. She was even able to take a deep breath without wanting to burst out in tears.
“Can I get you something? Maybe food or coffee? I think we have tea in the back. I’ll check.” Colleen started to walk away, and Meg quickly reached out, grasping her wrist.
“Can I get a drink? A double of anything amber-colored.”
Colleen smiled with a sharp nod. Meg let go of her arm and watched her round the bar and grab a glass.
“Will you have one with me?”
Colleen glanced over her shoulder. “Anything you want.”
She grabbed another glass, placed them on the bar, and walked over to the shelf with all the liquor, choosing a bottle on the top shelf.
“They usually reserve the good stuff for members only or when a new brother gets patched in.” Colleen twisted off the top and started pouring. “But I think Jack would make an exception this one time. You’ve earned it.”
Colleen slid the glass in front of her. Meg grabbed it and took a hefty sip. The burning of her throat was just the reminder she needed. She was alive to feel everything. She glanced across the room. One of the prospects was standing near the front door looking out the window while the other was stationed by the back door.
For the next three hours, she had another glass of brandy and switched over to beer until taking Colleen up on her offer of a cup of coffee. She was on her second when she heard the rumbling of the engines getting closer. It sounded like an army of bikers. For a brief second, fear struck wondering if it was Ghosttown or the others.
Colleen grabbed her hand, obviously reading her expression. She offered a warm, comforting smile and squeezed her hand. “It’s Mick.”
Finally, she could fully breathe.
Everything had gone according to Jack’s plan. Most importantly, Meg was safe. Jack had made arrangements to get rid of the bodies and would be making a few calls to cover their tracks. There was no doubt people would look for them.You’re not gonna find them.Nor would they trace anything back to Ghosttown.
But it wasn’t over.
This was the third time a rival club had come after Ghosttown or one of their own. It was handled for now, but they all knew there would be a next time. A new club would step up and try to take a shot at them. As it had been said so many times in the last few months, times were changing.
Mick parked in line with the others, Jack on one side, Grain on the other. While most members got off their bikes and headed around to the back of the clubhouse, Mick remained seated, staring at the front door. Meg was inside.Safe.Though he had no idea where her head was at. If she hadn’t handled the night of the festival, how could he expect her to understand tonight?
It was as if he was prolonging the inevitable by staying on his bike. Walking in meant losing her. Again.
“Get Maureen to talk to her,” Jack said, and Mick looked over. “Coming from an old lady, she’ll make her understand.”
It was definitely a good idea and one that might work in keeping Meg. But Mick couldn’t do that. He didn’t want her coerced or convinced to be with him and the club. Meg had to find her way on her own. It had to be her choice, or he’d run the risk of losing her down the road. It was hard enough already. He wasn’t sure he could handle letting her walk away years later.
Jack got off his bike, as did Grain. “You get her settled, and we’ll meet in an hour. Work for you?”
A debriefing. Jack always held them after any job, or in this case, altercation. It was usually immediate. Nothing came before them. Except Meg this time. Mick gave a sharp nod and watched Jack and Grain head out back.
He got off and walked up the stairs. The door opened, and the prospect stepped back. Mick muttered, “Thanks.”
It had nothing to do with the door and everything to do with guarding Meg. He scanned the room and found her at the bar staring back at him. He sucked in a deep breath, prepared to defend his actions. While Meg may not see it his way, Mick made no apologies for how the night went down. He’d do anything to protect her at all costs. Seek out revenge on anyone who threatened, scared, or hurt her.Touch her and die.
He straightened his back and started through the room. He only got a few steps before she jumped off the stool, raced across the room, and threw her arms over his shoulders, holding him in a tight hold. Mick instantly wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer.