Page 54 of The Originals
Not one brother even acknowledged his outburst, but the dark-haired club whore jumped and spun around. She rushed forward. “I’m sorry, Grain.”
Colleen swiped the glass off the bar and rushed over to the wall with the bottles of liquor lined up. Before she could get the whiskey, another club whore grabbed it along with his glass, yanking it out of Colleen’s hand.
The stool next him shifted, and he glanced over. Mick took a drag from his cigarette and squinted from the smoke billowing around his face.
“You consider going to bed? I know we’d all appreciate it.” Mick smirked.
“Shut the fuck up, brother.” Grain rubbed his eyes. There were only two things he wanted at the moment, and he was waiting on both.
“Thought you debriefed Jack earlier?”
Grain tapped his fist on the bar, waiting for his drink. “Had that fucking meeting two hours ago.”
Mick furrowed his brows. “Then why the fuck are you still up?”
Grain clenched his jaw, grinding his teeth. It took a lot for a man like him to ever admit to waiting on a woman. In fact, before a year ago, it had been unheard of. He glanced up at the clock hanging over the bar. If she’d left at midnight like she was supposed to, then she should’ve been at the clubhouse thirty minutes ago.This fucking woman doesn’t listen to a goddamn word I say.It was bad enough she fought him on coming up tomorrow versus tonight. Now she had him worried something happened.
“Can’t I have a fucking drink and unwind?” Grain snapped, sending his brother a seething glare.
Mick snorted, taking a drag from his cigarette. “This is you unwinding? Brother.” Mick chuckled, shaking his head.
Grain ignored the taunting and watched as the girl behind the bar sauntered over with his drink in hand.Fucking finally!
“Hi Grain.” The club whore placed his glass in front of him and rested her arms on the bar. “I made it a double.”
He angled his head to the club whore leaning over the bar with her tits practically pushed up to her chin. She was a quarter of an inch away from a nip slip.
“What else can I get you?”
The innuendo was obvious, and he smirked, for no other reason than appreciating the view and knowing she couldn’t offer him anything better than what he already had. But they still tried. It had become a game of sorts for the seasoned whores. Whenever his woman was away for a few days working, they made it their mission to come for him. Grain didn’t take any of the bullshit bait, and he never understood the motive. Regina was one screw loose from a jail sentence and seemed to thrive on fighting. Maybe they thought banging him would be a win, but he knew his woman. Regina would gut him with his own knife after she did the same to the whore who’d fucked with her man.
The girl cocked her brow, and the corner of her mouth spiked. “Anything else?”
Grain laughed, shaking his head.Fucking whores.When the hell would they learn? He waved his hand, dismissing her.
“Oh hell.” The muted hush had him looking to his left.
Tully lowered his chin, sipped his beer, and muttered. “Gee’s here, and she doesn’t look happy.”
Grain straightened, searching the room. A brother at the bar slipped away, and behind him was his woman, glaring in his direction. It was obvious she hadn’t missed the display with the club whore a few minutes earlier. This was the last thing Grain needed tonight.
She turned without a word, and he slammed his glass on the bar, ignoring the snickers coming from Tully and Mick. Grainstormed through the room, up the stairs, and made his way down the hall. He barely made it into his room before he was dodging a lighter, a pair of shoes, and a hard-covered book.Where the fuck did she get a book?
“Woman!” he snapped, rushing forward until he made it to Regina. He hooked his arm around her waist, pulling her against his chest. It didn’t stop or slow her down. He moved his head just in time to miss her closed fist coming at him from over her shoulder.
“You’re a fucking asshole, piece of shit, pig.” Regina struggled, elbowing him in the ribs. He grunted but kept his hold over her. It was always best to contain her when she got wild.And safer.
“Calm the fuck down!” he shouted.
“I work a thirteen-hour shift then drive here, and this is what you fucking give me? Fuck you, Grain.”
Fights were a daily occurrence for them, but some nights were more brutal than others. This was one of them. Neither of them was in the right state of mind. Tired and aggravated wouldn’t see a winner.And I sure as hell ain’t getting laid.That thought only irritated him more.
“No, fuck you, Gee. I been on the road for fucking days from a shit deal. I can’t come home to have a drink and fucking relax without you bitching?”
It was another few minutes before she settled, and it was safe enough to release her. When he did, she immediately turned, sending him a harsh glare and stalked to the other side of the room.
“I’m leaving.”