Page 77 of The Originals
“Ahhhh, yes!” The voice was so loud it sounded as if it was coming from the next room over.
Caden laughed, shaking his head. “I call bullshit. That girl’s been watching too much porn.”
Jack smirked. “Stroking that boy’s ego.”
“Not the only thing she’s stroking.” Cade stood and walked to the fridge. He grabbed the milk and started downing a mouthful.
“Use a fucking glass.”
Caden sighed and reached into the cupboard. All their dishes and glasses were mismatched with no formality. Jack didn’t know where half of them came from. When he kicked his ex out, she left with close to nothing but her clothes. She couldn’t get out of there and away from her responsibilities fast enough.Bitch.
Jack was pouring his second cup when he heard footsteps coming downstairs. Two sets. He grabbed his mug and leaned against the counter, watching the doorway to the living room. They’d have to pass the kitchen to get to the front door.
He heard the soft giggle before they appeared. Kase had his shirt off and his jeans on, but the belt buckle undone. The girl who Jack hadn’t seen before was fully dressed, but her hair was disheveled and her makeup smeared slightly. Even if he hadn’t heard the liaison, it was clear what they’d been doing.
Kase glanced over without a care in the world. And no greeting. The little bastard didn’t even flinch when Jack sent him a scathing glare.
“When did you get home?” Kase said, walking into the kitchen, leaving the girl standing alone. Clearly, she wasn’t prepared for an audience. Her face turned a bright shade of red, and her eyes were the size of saucers. Jack couldn’t help but feel sympathy for her. She probably banked on spending more time with his son, and by all accounts, Kase was done with her.
“’Bout a half hour ago.”
I’m raising an asshole.While Kase was old enough to know better, Jack took responsibility for his upbringing.
“Um…” —the girl cleared her throat— “I’m going to go now.”
Kase nodded and made no move to walk her out.Fucking asshole.
“You’ll call me?” The desperation in her tone was almost sad to watch, knowing his son was about to lie to her. And he did.
“Yeah,” Kase said.
She gave a short wave and walked out. Caden had the decency to wait until they heard her car start before turning to Kase and shaking his head.
“You’re not gonna call her,” Caden said, rolling his eyes. Of all the Reilly men, Caden was the most decent. He spoke the truth and saw through all the bullshit.
Kase shrugged and walked over to the coffeemaker, pouring himself a cup.
“You knock her up, I’ll fucking kill you,” Jack sneered. He was only half kidding. The last thing they needed in their dysfunctional family was a baby.
Caden snickered, but Kase said nothing. It was a smart move and hopefully gave him something to think about. Raising kids was no joke. Jack had been doing it on his own for years. Some people would say growing up without a mother was the worst scenario for children.I say depends on the mother.Kase and Caden were better off in most people’s eyes. Jack may not have done everything right, or been a great role model for his boys, but he loved his boys. No one could deny that.
Jack reached in his pocket, pulling out his cigarettes.
“Can I get one of those?” Kase asked.
Jack tossed the box on the table and pulled out his lighter. He lit his cigarette and took in a deep drag. Sleep deprivation was finally kicking in. He’d have to get at least a few hours. Jack glanced down at his watch. It would probably put him at the clubhouse by late afternoon or early evening. There was a party scheduled, which would mean all the brothers would be in attendance.
“How’d it go in Blacksburg?” Kase asked.
Jack squinted, taking another drag from his cigarette. His son was itching to be a part of the club. Jack welcomed it. They needed loyal brothers, and for all Kase’s faults, he’d make an outstanding addition to the club. However, they had strict rules, which meant Kase had some time before he could prospect.
Even if Kase had been a member, Jack wouldn’t have divulged the information outside of the whole club. This was a particularly touchy and sensitive subject among a lot of the members. Not everyone was keen on Jack taking the meeting at all. Especially on his own. A few years ago, they’d got into a small war with another MC. Ghosttown came out as the victors with Satan’s Hex having to start from the ground up to rebuild their club. Their new president had asked for a truce and called for a meeting with Jack. Presidents only. Jack had his own concerns going in, but as promised, it was amicable.
“Went alright.” It was a neutral answer and the only one he’d give.
“What was the meeting about?” Kase asked.