Page 81 of The Originals
Kay smiled and walked away without even a thank you. Colleen hadn’t expected it, but considering she just helped her out, it would’ve been fitting.
“Another Vodka?” she asked Regina, whose hardened gaze was focused on Kay walking through the room.
Thankfully, Regina’s perfect distraction came forward, bulldozing through the crowd. It was a wonder everyone hadn’t learned by now when Grain was coming, make room, otherwise they’d be a casualty. Colleen quickly grabbed a beer, placing it on the bar next to Regina.
Grain grabbed the bottle, turning to his old lady. “Got a meeting.”
Regina grabbed his arm when he started to walk away. “Need you to do something for me first.”
“After the meeting.” Grain attempted to walk away again, but Regina tugged on his arm and grabbed the waistband of his jeans, pulling him toward her.
“Now, baby.” Regina slid her hand up his chest, and Grain immediately moved closer, sliding between her legs and dropping his hand to her hip as he bent down. It wouldn’t be the first time she’d seen them make out at the bar. It was a nightly event for these two. Their chemistry was off the charts.
Colleen busied herself sneaking a peek. They weren’t kissing. Regina had her hand wrapped around the back of his neck,whispering something in his ear. When Grain straightened, he was scowling with a hint of confusion.
“That can’t fucking wait?” Grain raised his brows.
The corner of Regina’s mouth curled. “Do it now, and I’ll be happy. And you like when I’m happy.”
Colleen bowed her head to conceal her smile. She had to give credit to Regina. She was the only woman alive who could semi-control Grain.
Grain sighed and looked over his shoulder, eyeing the crowd at the party.
“Which one is she?”
Regina leaned closer, grabbing his arm with a devilish smile and pointed across the room. “That one,” Regina said, and Colleen followed the direction. It landed on Kay.
Regina turned to Colleen and cocked her brow. “I think she’d be perfect behind the bar tonight.”
Well, fuck!Colleen muffled her snicker but couldn’t hold back a smile.
Never underestimate the power of an old lady.
Chapter Twenty-One
Jack sipped his bourbon, watching the brothers file into the room. Once the door closed, he scanned the room. They were all in attendance, as he’d ordered. All members had to be present for this one. It was probably the most important meeting they’d ever had, to date.
Jack started the meeting with the obvious.
“I know we’ve all been reaping the benefits from the new runs we’ve been doing.”
“Fuck yeah! Got a downpayment on a new bike,” Dove blurted.
His statement was followed by a slew of cheers. Jack understood the excitement. The cash had taken some burden off his costs too. It had for all of them. But it came with a price. Jack waited for the brothers to settle down before he continued. They needed to fully understand both sides of these new ventures they’d been doing for the Underground.
“As we get deeper into the illegal activities with Sal, it’s becoming more dangerous for all of us. We’re taking risks we’ve never taken before. Crossing state lines with these loads carries stiff penalties. And long sentences. It also puts Ghosttown on the radar. And I’m not just talking local authorities. We’ve always managed to fly under the radar, but the more we make our presence known, it grows the target on us. We already got six brothers doing a stint. Short term, but that’ll change if we’re transporting higher quantities.”
Jack gave them all a minute to let it soak in. Some seemed concerned while others brushed off the warning.
Jack gave the breakdown of his meeting with the Satan’s Hex president. They were in a similar position as Ghosttown but lacked the numbers. Their choice was obvious in joining the Underground, but the president was still looking for alternatives. Mainly aligning with Ghosttown.
“They want to join Ghosttown?” Tully asked.
Jack took a drag from his cigarette, shaking his head. “No. They’d remain Satan’s Hex, but in a sense partner up with us. You look at the state as whole, we’ve got the lower territory covered. They’re looking to claim the middle and ally with another club to cover the upstate.”
Tully scoffed. “How do you think Sal’s gonna take that?”
Not well.