Page 11 of Wolf's Redemption
"I'm not going anywhere," she added. "I've never been defeated, and I'm certainly not going to let her be the one to do it."
"Linda, you and I are together. You have nothing to prove to me. I believe you," he shot back. "Nothing will make me change my feelings for you."
My heart broke in two at hearing those words out of his mouth. He was seeing Linda behind my back. Now I couldn't help but wonder if he loved me from the beginning or if it was all planned by her to keep an eye on me.
"You wouldn't understand," she argued. "All I ask is that you stay here with me, nothing else."
Alston nodded and crossed his arms in an attempt to look more confident.
"Alston, please listen to me," I implored him, but no matter how hard I tried to catch my boyfriend’s eyes, I couldn't; he was simply avoiding me.
"You're despicable," I said to Linda, walking in her direction. "You won't get away with it this time, and I'll make everyone see what you really are."
"I always do," she replied, leaning on Alston's forearm. "It's been over a month since he and I have been dating behind your back. He's told me all about you, and now more than ever, I have you in my hands."
"Ladies, this is not the way to settle misunderstandings, let alone when there's a human in our presence," Eric said.
"I'm not leaving here until you give me my money," Sam shrieked from the bedroom doorway.
If looks killed, old Sam probably wouldn't be with us in this world anymore.
"Get out of here. The money's in your locker," she mumbled. "And you better use it to disappear off our territory."
Sam shook off his clothes and hurried down the stairs while his rubber shoes squeaked with each step until the sound faded away.
"I'll tell my father everything, and I'll tell him the truth," I threatened her. "There's no way you're getting away with this one."
My half-sister smiled slightly and moved closer to Alston. "Are you sure you want to try? We both know how it's going to end, don't we?"
The blood evaporated in my veins, and my muscles tensed. I clenched my jaw and stopped in front of them. "This time, you won't trick me, and I won't fall into your mind games."
"As you wish, but don't say I didn't warn you," she retorted. "Cathy, you are a nobody. Only a few know you are actually our father's daughter, and you don't know how to do anything but experiment in your room with scents and create perfumes that no one will ever use. I, on the other hand, am the heiress, the true daughter of the Alpha and his Luna. There is no possible way you can beat me."
Eric shot me a look as if at a bird with a wounded wing. That same pitiful look everyone gives me.
"I'm not staying here," I said.
I walked to the stairs and started down step by step, thinking about the words I would say to my father.
"Where do you think you're going?" Linda asked, pushing me.
Linda didn't measure her strength, and what to her was a small touch, to me, was like a truck had run me over. I tried to hold on, but I wasn't fast enough. I fell and hit my side on the last few steps until I was stopped by the wall.
"Are you okay?" Eric pushed his way between Linda and Alston and crouched down beside me, offering me his hand. "Are you hurt?"
I couldn't focus my gaze, and everything looked a little blurry. My legs ached, especially my knees. Plus, my side and head.
"Leave me alone!" I shrieked at him. "I don't want your pity."
I didn't measure my words and let my temper control me.
"You see? She's an ungrateful bitch," Linda took the opportunity to spout her venom. "I hate to tell you this again, but she's not worth it."
Those words I've heard all my life, and they're the ones I hate the most.
I picked myself up off the floor, pretended to be fine, and straightened my back as much as I could. "You want things to be like this...well, they will be."
I lunged at Linda and dug my nails into her arms, I felt myself tearing at her flesh, and she screamed in pain.