Page 4 of Wolf's Redemption
He touched his ear and informed me that I should go to my room. I assumed as a matter of protocol since I was an important member of a pack with which we have a good relationship.
"Would you like me to escort you?" he asked me.
I shook my head and walked to the stairs, and started up.
I detest elevators, and I was hoping that with the physical effort, my body would get over the effect of the wine.
The stairs seemed endless, and each floor I climbed seemed like a challenge for me. I felt exhausted, and I was sweating like I was in a marathon.
Damn, what a good wine!I thought as I climbed to the top floor.
The door was wide open, and on the floor was a girl in a gold dress staggering towards my bed.
"Who are you?" I asked her, but she threw herself on the bed and ignored me completely.
I was so tired I didn’t feel like saying anything, but still needed my own space. She would have been drunk enough to trip and fall as soon as she’d stood up, yet I wanted her to leave.
"She told me you were coming," the girl stammered.
"Who are you talking about?" I asked.
"The Moon Goddess, she appeared in front of me!" she stated.
"You're drunk, and I'm sure you imagined it!"
"Maybe you're right. I am drunk and horny as fuck," she commented, turning her face to me in the bed. "I'm really hot."
Her face was so close I could smell her wine-soaked breath, but I could also see her gray eyes, similar to the color of a storm cloud.
"I have a mate," I told her curtly. "I'm so sorry, but I can't do anything for you."
Her pupil expanded as she looked straight into my eyes, and a scent similar to that of a Jasmine plantation flooded the room.
"I don't see anyone here. You're lying," she continued. "If you had a mate, she would have accompanied you."
She is our destined mate, growled the voice of my inner wolf.
My wolf recognized her as my destined mate, the person who was born to be together with me, and although I felt it too. I repressed that emotion immediately.
"Go to sleep already!" I growled at her.
She reached out her hand and caught mine. At that moment, my whole body bristled; I felt our connection beyond understanding, and for a brief moment, I saw in the reflection of her eyes an image of her and me embracing in the forest.
"Don't do that!" I shouted, pushing her away from me.
Immediately Chloe, my current mate, came to mind. She nearly lost her life to save mine more than two winters ago. And since then, I carry the guilt if she hadn't removed her belt to wrap her body around me, I would have received a mortal wound, and now she is paralyzed. I cannot do this to her. My heart and my love must be for her alone.
"I can hear your heart. You feel what I feel," she said.
"I don't know what you're talking about!" I replied, knowing I couldn't lie to her, not about this. "Stay away from me!"
She ignored my command and moved closer to me, this time the tip of her nose brushing against mine.
"Just give me a kiss," she demanded.
I felt a sea of emotions inside me because right next to me, on the same bed, was the girl whose destiny was entwined with mine, but on the other side was my duty as Alpha and my duty to Chloe. I started to question my feelings, and my inner wolf encouraged me to forget everything and take what belonged to me.
"I told you I don't want you around!" I argued.