Page 71 of Wolf's Redemption
Cathy had glossy lips from the lumpy oil and somehow looked tender and was so focused on her food that she didn't notice that I had stopped eating just to admire her beauty.
We enjoyed the meal, and I tried to help her focus on the present and not on the hard time she was going through. As time went by, Cathy and I drank two glasses of wine after dinner and then spent a few more minutes admiring each other and enjoying our company.
"Can I get you anything else?" the young boy who helped bring the food asked me as he cleared away the plates.
"Just the bill," I answered, pleased.
"I'll bring it right away," he replied.
By now, the sun had completely set and the night was cold, and the restaurant was starting to fill up. After the young man brought the bill, I paid and left him a nice tip.
"Time to go home," Cathy told me, clinging to my arm and letting her head rest on my shoulder.
We got in my car, and I drove slowly to her house, enjoying the lights of the buildings and the beauty I had found in the city after often coming to be with my destined mate and son.
We arrived home, and it was completely silent; we went to Elliot's room, and Nani was sitting on the edge of his bed, finishing reading him a story.
"Hello, Mrs. North and Mr. Night," she whispered.
She carefully got out of bed and walked over to us.
"How was dinner?" asked the redhead.
" Delicious, especially the rice," Cathy shared.
"It was an excellent restaurant, the one you recommended," I thanked her because I had asked her for some recommendations since I didn't know much about the city. "Thank you for taking care of Elliot."
She smiled complacently and went to get her belongings to go home.
"Have a good night," she said, waving her hand through the window's car.
Cathy and I waited for her to leave to go back inside.
"Do you want to watch a movie or a series?" I asked.
Cathy shook her head and rubbed her eyes with her fingertips. "I'll fall asleep in the first minute."
"Then we'll save it for tomorrow," I said, taking her by the hand and leading her toward our room.
While she bathed and I finished getting ready, I had my phone in my hand, waiting for Andrew to text me. And since I hadn't heard from him, I was beginning to fear the worst, that he might have been caught or that he was still inside the store. Whatever the situation was, it had my nerves on edge.
"You're too tense," Cathy said, coming out of the bathroom with her pastel pink pajamas on. "Is something going on?"
She asked, and I knew I wasn't going to tell her the truth yet, but I couldn't lie to her either because she would know.
"Andrew is on an important mission, and I haven't heard from him," I lied to her, knowing that when it comes to the pack, she tries not to inquire too much because, for some reason, she doesn't feel entitled even when I had told her a thousand times that she was already considered part of my pack since the day I marked her.
"He's probably fine. He's a very smart man," she tried to calm me down.
"I hope you're right," I said, putting the cell phone away and pulling her to me.
We went to bed, and I gave her a slow kiss. Her lips felt soft and full. "Goodnight, love," I said, giving her one last kiss.
She lay on my chest, curled up next to me, and as soon as she closed her eyes, she fell into a deep sleep.
I closed my eyes, but I couldn't sleep. My head was with Andrew at that moment, I tried to communicate with him by telepathy, but it was in vain since being so far away. I was about to lose my mind when my cell phone rang. I took it out of my pocket, being careful not to wake Cathy.
The man is sunk in deep with human, arms, and drug trafficking. It's all a front, and I have all the proof we need.Said the message from Andrew.