Page 11 of Half Wolf Mate
Every cell that made up my body came to life the moment I saw him. No, before that. The sensations had started running amok in my body before I even laid eyes on him. Now, I felt as if the last piece of my life had clicked into place. Who was he?
Blinking, I shook my head slightly as if that could stop my illogical reactions to the man. He took one step toward me and whispered, “Mate.”
He appeared just as shell-shocked as I was, but I got the impression he knew what was happening here. Violet didn’t look confused, either. She looked downright pleased. It was an intense, head-scratching moment, but I had the crazy urge to throw myself into the stranger’s arms. I felt like I’d be safe there.
To my disappointment, he took another step and stopped. He lifted his nose and inhaled deeply again. Why in the world did everyone keep sniffing? It was so weird. The handsome stranger closed his eyes and groaned. He grimaced as if in pain and backed away.
“Violet,” he said through clenched teeth. “Have our guest situated in Justin’s office. I need a minute.”
“Sure thing, Boss.”
My eyebrows shot up. He was Cole Grayson? For sure, I thought the CEO of this company would be much older. I watched him wheel around and hurry out the door. I wanted to run after him, hating that he was putting distance between us, which was ridiculous. How could I feel like I needed an absolute stranger?
I looked at Violet. “Is he okay?”
She smiled. “He’s fine, just a minor control issue, meeting you for the first time.”
“I don’t follow. Is it because I don’t have an appointment?”
“Of course not. Mr. Grayson will be back shortly to meet with you.” She brushed past me toward another set of doors. “Follow me.”
Glancing back at the door, Cole Grayson had disappeared though, I went with Violet. We entered an office that was probably bigger than most apartments. Of course, it was the epitome of opulence, like everything else in this place.
“Cole’s private office is upstairs.”
Again, that surge of jealousy appeared. Violet sounded too familiar with her boss. It made me wonder if their relationship went further than professional. The thought left me heartbroken. What the hell! I didn’t even know the guy. Resting a hand on my forehead, I sighed. I seriously needed to get a psychiatric evaluation.
“Are you okay, Sydney?”
“Awesome,” I grumbled.
Violet’s gaze narrowed, but she continued talking. “This is his assistant, Justin Turner’s office. He’s away for a meeting now. Have a seat if you wish.” She pointed to a leather sectional.
I sat because I was reeling from my emotions that were in upheaval.
“Can I get you something to drink?” she asked.
“Water would be great. Cold.” Because just a minute in Cole’s presence had me hot and bothered. I’d had an interest in a few guys growing up, but never anything as intense as what I felt in the waiting room. It felt as if I’d never truly lived before now, and Cole was what I needed to keep living. Hysterical laughter bubbled in my chest, but I kept it down. Ridiculous! Maybe I was just extremely exhausted, and I’d return to my usual logical self after a good nap. When Violet left, I sat back and closed my eyes just to rest them a little.
I felt his presence before I saw him. My eyes snapped open to find Gorgeous Stranger—I mean, Cole Grayson—standing in the doorway, watching me. I’d been in the room alone for about five minutes, but I was so tired I’d dozed off.
He entered, holding a bottle of water. He didn’t speak; he just kept me in his gaze. I got the impression of a predator lurking in the depth of his eyes. I wasn’t afraid, but I was intrigued.
Cole handed me the bottle of water, and the tips of our fingers touched. I sucked in a breath as electric heat zapped my fingers, traveled up my arm, and spread through my body. Holy hell. I’d heard of chemistry, but this was otherworldly. I even felt myself leaning toward him, wanting more of his touch. Catching myself, I sat back, opened the water bottle, and chugged. Cole eyed me as if I was an explosive device as he sat behind the desk, as far as he could get from me, I suppose.
When he didn’t speak, I blurted, “I’m Sydney Sullivan. A friend gave me your business card.”
“Cole Grayson, nice to meet you.”
Even the sound of his voice was mesmerizing. I gazed at him with a longing I didn’t understand.
He studied me intently. “You need security services?”
“Well…I…” Boy, did I ever. But how did I tell him or anyone who was after me? “Sort of.”