Page 65 of Half Wolf Mate
“You’re not a very good liar, Sydney.”
“It’s nothing worth mentioning, really.” I took a retreating step. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to be near him. I was just worried he’d detect whatever Adam had and find out I had a bun in the oven before I could tell him myself.
If any of the others had noticed anything different about me, they hadn’t said anything. Damian did have a curious look as he studied me earlier, but he’d disappeared as soon as Macy arrived, so I had no idea if he suspected anything.
Cole had been too distracted. He’d been keeping an eye on Adam, plus he’d seemed stressed about my disappearance. Now that it was quiet and he was more focused on me, I feared he’d realize.
Just to be safe, I took another step back.
He frowned and asked, “Are you alright?”
“Fine,” I squeaked. My heartbeat accelerated, and I felt sweat bead on my forehead. Should I tell him before he… smelled my pregnancy?
Cole’s gaze narrowed on my face as he studied me with confusion.
“What?” I asked.
“Your heart is pounding,” he noted. “And it sounds,” he paused as if in consideration, “different.”
Oh, God.
I knew this would happen once we got close. His curious gaze swept me from head to toe as if he searched for what was different about me. When he lingered on my stomach, I panicked and blurted, “I’m pregnant! Please don’t hate me!”
The silence that followed my outburst was deafening.
My mouth clamped together, and I mentally face palmed myself. That wasn’t my smoothest moment.
Cole gawked.
After a while, unease kicked in. It was as I’d feared. He was angry, and he’d probably kick me out. I ducked my head and fought to keep my composure. There was no way my pride would allow me to cry and beg him to make me stay. I looked up to hold his gaze.
Angling my chin upward, I said, “I didn’t know until last night, I swear. Don’t think I deliberately got pregnant to trap you either because that’s just ridiculous—”
“Sydney, stop.”
Ignoring him, I continued to defend myself. “Look, I’m not holding you to any responsibilities. I can take care of myself.” My voice quivered just a little as I made that statement because deep down, I was terrified of doing this alone. “I know you’re pissed, and you probably want me gone.”
“I’ll leave, but there’s something else I have to tell you first—”
Cole captured my lips with his, swallowing my surprised gasp. I was too stunned to respond at first, but within seconds the warm pressure of his mouth on mine melted me. I went pliant with a content sigh as I rested my palms on his chest to enjoy the moment. Maybe it was best to just shut up and savor the kiss. For all I knew, it might be the last one I ever got from him.
“Shut up and listen to me,” he murmured as he pulled away.
I gazed at him, a little dazed from the kiss. He didn’t seem angry. A kiss was the last thing I expected from him after my news. “I thought you’d be…”
“Upset?” He finished.
I nodded, at a loss for words. That one kiss had practically lit me on fire and turned my brain to mush.
He exhaled and cupped my cheek. “Actually, I’m relieved.”
My eyebrows pinched together. “You are?”
“Yes. I’ve wracked my brain for days, trying to think of a way to get you to stay with me after the threat of hunters disappeared. I figured you’d leave as soon as you were in the clear, and I don’t want that. Now, at least you have a reason to stay with me.”
My lips parted, but no words came out. My gaze skated away from his because I’d been planning to leave. Adam’s words echoed in my mind.You want to skip town with the man’s baby? Now that it is truly a dick move, Sydney.