Page 44 of Unmasked
“We’re gonna play a little game,” he hisses into my ear. The neon lights of his mask project a slight glow around us.
I drag my feet, squirming and frantically trying to break free from his hold. I scream against the hand over my mouth, but it’s muffled. With all the noise and chaos around us, which has increased in volume since the lights went off again, no one can hear me.
“Let me go,” I scream against his gloved hand, but it sounds like gibberish.
Cold air hits me as he tosses me over his shoulder. I pound against his back, squirming and kicking, but he doesn’t falter.
I’m in the cornfield behind the barn when he finally lets me down. His neon mask is sinister in the darkness.
I fold my arms over my chest, my eyes darting around. “Why are we here?”
His vile laugh echoes around me. “Run, little prey. Run before I catch you.”
I back away, scared of him for the first time. There’s a darkness radiating from him that sets my nerves on edge. Butbefore I run, the question burning inside me slips out. “D-Did you… d-do that to…” I swallow against the bile rising in my throat. “The skeleton guy.”
“What do you think, little prey?”
“Oh my God.” I whirl around, terror spiking my adrenaline as I pump my arms and legs, running as fast as I can.He killed that guy. I know he did.
I have the strongest compulsion to look back, but I don’t. My lungs heave as the corn stalks hang in my face, impeding my vision. I frantically push at them as I flee, not knowing where I’m going. Tall stalks surround me everywhere I go.
Stopping, I drag in a deep breath, slowly letting it out. My eyes dart around, adjusting to the dark. I veer right, my feet aching inside my boots, which aren’t made for running, let alone fleeing a masked man in a cornfield.
Fuck. I need to get back to the barn and find Mandy.
A loud snapping sound behind me makes me jump. I whirl around, my eyes searching the darkness for his neon mask.
But I don’t see anyone.
Spinning around, I run, trying to control my whirling thoughts.Get to the barn.
I’ve been running in the cornfield for what feels like forever. I’m sweaty, and my skin is itchy from the stalks. My makeup runs down my face, burning my eyes.
As panic fills me, I make another turn, spotting something in the distance.Is that the barn?
I pump my arms and legs harder, my muscles screaming, until I burst free of the field into the clearing. I expect him to tackle me any moment, but he doesn’t.
Digging deep, I sprint to the barn, my wild eyes searching for Mandy. But I don’t see anyone.
Oh, Jesus. Everyone left.
How long was I in the damn cornfield?
I push through the side door of the barn, sinking into the darkness. The lights are still out, and the space is like a black tomb enclosing me.
Raising my hands in front of me, I feel around, my heavy pants filling the air. I squint, my eyes adjusting to the dark. I spot a ladder, run to it, and stealthily climb it, pursing my lips together to quiet the noises.
Once my feet hit the floor, my eyes search the upper level of the barn. Spotting a couple of large hay bales, I hide behind them.
The door creeks open and then bangs shut. Loud footsteps thud closer, matching the pace of my frantic heart.
“Little prey,” he sing-songs, making my pulse take off at a gallop. “Come out, come out, wherever you are.”
I press my hand over my mouth, squeezing my eyes closed. Terror fills me when I hear his feet on the ladder.He knows I’m up here.
My heart is ready to explode from my chest, fear billowing through me like smoke from a raging fire.Oh, God. Is he going to kill me, too?