Page 92 of Unmasked
It’s been hard to concentrate on anything since Stryker went back to Green Haven and I returned to campus after fall break.
To make matters worse, I have a biology test today.
As I trudge toward the building, dread fills me.This is it. One more exam before the final. This will either make or break me.
“Mallory.” Mandy’s breathless voice is behind me. “Didn’t you hear me calling you?”
“I’m sorry. I’m distracted, worrying about the biology exam.” I don’t mention that I was up half the night, Facetiming with Stryker before his job occupied his time.
Her eyes rake over my face, the look on her face telling me she knows I barely slept. “Didn’t you tell me he’s almost finished with his job?” She grabs my hand. “I still can’t believe the size of that rock.”
“Yes. In early November, he’ll be done.” I smile at the ring on my finger. “It’s gorgeous, isn’t it?”
When I arrived on campus yesterday, I called Mandy and told her I needed to see her immediately. She rushed to myapartment, and the second she saw my ring, she screamed, “Oh my God! You’re engaged.” We jumped up and down, hugging and crying.
“You’ll spend tons of time with him once he’s done. So, hold onto that thought.”
I nod, blowing out a nervous breath. “Right now, I need to focus on doing well on this exam.”
“Rub that huge diamond on your hand for luck.” She winks at me before hugging me. “Remember that dilapidated house in the woods on the other side of campus? The one where the former asylum director went insane and murdered his wife and kids?”
“Yeah. What about it?”
“They’re doing self-guided haunted house tours on your birthday. Wanna go?”
“Hell, yes. Are we dressing up?”
“Of course.”
“Let’s go costume shopping after my exam. I’ll need the distraction.”
“I have the perfect costume for you.” She bounces on her heels. “I’ll order an Uber.”
“You’re the best.”
Two hours later,we’re speeding away from campus in the back of a four-door sedan. Excitement thrums through me. Despite my exhaustion, I think I did well on the exam. Stryker texted me, wishing me luck, which boosted my confidence and took away some of my nerves.
“I’m determined to have the best birthday possible. I’m excited we get to check out the haunted house.”
The Uber driver meets my eyes in the rearview mirror. Aneerie sensation rolls through me, the hair on the back of my neck standing up.
Mandy squeezes my hand and whispers in my ear. “Corey is following us. Relax.”
I nod, feeling foolish. “You’re right. I’m just tense from lack of sleep and that bio exam.”
Mandy animatedly talks about an embarrassing incident when she was with Jeremy, which makes me laugh. I relax against the seat, pushing my worries about the creepy driver from my mind, even though he seems to be hanging onto every word.
Stop worrying. Life is so damn good.
I look down at my engagement ring with a smile.Really damn good.
Delaney hiccups as she holds onto my arm, wobbling as I lead her up the porch steps. “I think you and Callie partied a bit too hard tonight.”