Page 16 of Game of Revenge
Brianna, Brian's mom, has such lovely photos all over the place, but they are hard to look at.
My hands shake as I reach the kitchen. Brianna sits at the table in the dark, staring out at the rising sun.
She has a cup of coffee in front of her, but it’s untouched. Her hair is a tangled gray mess, and she’s still in her robe.
Padding softly onto the tile, I clear my throat gently to let her know that I’m here. Looking over her shoulder at me, I wave toward the switch on the wall, and she nods. Turning the light on, I instantly know that she didn’t sleep last night.
Her blue eyes, a mirror image to Brian’s, are deep red with dark circles underneath. I move closer to her as she begins to shake.
A wailing sound escapes her lips as she breaks again.
“My baby. My baby boy,” she cries as I pull her from the chair and into my arms. I hold her, fighting back my own pain.
I need to be strong for the people I love, even though I wish someone would comfort me.
“Shh, I’m here,” I coo, and gently sway us side to side as her heart bleeds out onto my sleeves.
“He’s gone, Tray. My sweet boy.”
I nod because I can’t talk right now. It’s hard being the strong one sometimes.
“How could this have happened?” she wails and strong arms wrap me into a hard chest. I sigh, leaning back into Kiernan.
Looking over my shoulder, I can see Mike standing in the doorway, staring at us.
His dark eyes are glazed with unshed tears. Brianna glances up, seeing him and pulls away from me, rushing to him.
He holds her, talking softly, trying to reassure her that everything is going to be okay, but that’s just a lie.
Nothing will ever be okay again. I know shit was strained, and we were possibly on the verge of ending our polyamorous relationship, but I never wanted that to happen.
I just wished the twins would stop fighting. That's all. I never wanted something like this to happen.
The doorbell rings, and Kiernan pulls away, placing a kiss onto the back of my head before he goes. He’s dressed in the suit I chose for him, and I curse my dick for even twitching at this moment.
I know if Brian was haunting us he would understand. Kiernan is a gorgeous man.
Shaking my head, I grab the cold cup of coffee and bring it to the sink. I need to keep moving because the moment my feet stop, I know I’m going to shatter.
Kier gets the door, and I know who’s here before even seeing them.
Carrie is livid and making her thoughts known as she enters the house, placing her daughter on the floor.
Dressed to the nines, she’s a vision of malice in black. “I am going to castrate them all. I am going to chop off their dicks and string them up on the flagpole in town.”
My eyes widen at that thought, and I grip my cock, wincing. I give it a pat and sigh. Carrie scares me sometimes, but she has the biggest heart and will go into the depths of hell for Kiernan, just like I would.
“Now baby, there are little ears present,” Bates grumbles, carrying in some duffle bags. Meyers follows him with even more things, and I have to shake my head.
Freddie’s playing on his Nintendo Switch, and Margo is looking around the living room.
“As if that’s the worst thing the kids have heard slip out of my lips,” she scoffs. Chuck laughs, entering the house with Francis and Tiffany following.
The empty house is now filled with people that love us, and I am on the verge of losing it.
Mike and his mom join us, and it’s awkward. We all stand silent, waiting for someone to say something. I never thought it would be a three-year-old saying “Shit.”
Pulling up to the cemetery,I give Mike’s hand a squeeze. He’s been quiet the whole drive. I can’t imagine the thoughts running through his head right now. A few days ago he was a twin and now he’s not.