Page 23 of Game of Revenge
“It sounds like a really creepy kids party that’s being tailored instead as a murder party,” and the words are out before I can take them back.
“A murder party!” Carrie squeals. “Fuck yeah! Michael, you come up with the best ideas.”
She walks back into the house chanting about murder and spikes as Kiernan walks outside to join me, shaking his head.
“Blakely has entered the building,” he murmurs. “Are you okay with all of this?”
“The murder and mayhem in Brian’s honor?” I ask uncomfortably as he comes closer.
Does Kier think about my brother when he hugs me?
“Yeah,” he says, nodding. “She’s on a roll now. It’ll be impossible to stop her.”
“I get it,” I murmur as he comes to hug me.
“It’s been a long time since we last organized a hunt,” Kiernan sighs. “I have to make it attractive enough that people will want to come. What if Craig decides he’s too good to attend?”
Shrugging out of his arms, I say, “Then you’ll find a way to make him. I’m going to lay down for a while. Tray is better with wording than I am.”
Lies, lies, lies. I’m great with words and manipulation, I simply don’t want to be reminded of my brother again. I wish I’d never had a twin, and he’d simply died in the womb, so I wouldn’t have had to do the dirty work.
Then, no one would know who he is, and I’d be first for once in my life.
“Yeah, okay,” Kiernan says in a small voice, but I’m already walking away.
“I think we need some spider webs here,” Frankie says as we walk through the woods.
Frankie and I are in charge of creating the grid for our hunt, setting traps, and ensuring we can herd people toward where we’ll be beating them to death. Sure, we’ll still be chasing others through the woods, but not everyone can run.
I don’t care how often Blakely says she can do it, I don’t believe her guys are going to allow her to fully participate in the hunt.
She’ll bitch and complain, but I know that she’ll understand eventually. Her baby is important to her.
Pulling out the barbed spider web, I carefully begin to hook it into the branches, so it’ll be difficult to avoid for someone running. The barbs are tipped in hallucinogenic substances that will quickly spread through the person’s system once it pierces the skin.
We have lots of other surprises that’ll work well with this.
“Please don’t prick yourself,” Frankie says, amused. “I don’t want to babysit you today.”
“Are you saying you’d do it if I did?” I tease her.
I don’t know when it happened, but I’m finding myself enjoying my time with her more and more. She’s funny in a stabby way, and her mind fascinates me. I’m in a very committed relationship with Kiernan, yet she’s even in my dreams lately.
While I’m bisexual, it’s been a long time since a woman has gotten my attention.
“It would depend on the hallucinations,” she says. “If you want cuddles and suddenly decide you think I’m Kiernan, then yes. However, if you’re going to see clowns everywhere and make me chase you through these woods, I’m going to be fucking pissed. My boots aren’t meant for running.”
Glancing at her combat boots, I smirk.
“I have a feeling you can run just fine,” I tell her, stepping back to admire my handiwork.
“Very cute,” she says. “I still don’t like to run. Ready to hit the next area?”
Picking up the bag, I nod.
“I’m glad the fences will be electrified by then,” I say as I move around the webbing. “Ohhh. Can we set up a few pits?”