Page 45 of Game of Revenge
Sliding my finger across the screen, I answer.
“Hey, what's going on?” I ask, ignoring how my hands are shaking.
“Carrie is helping Kiernan pack, then we are bringing him home. It'll be a few hours, but I wanted to give you a heads up. Should we have a welcome home thing?”
Brian fusses in the background, and I can hear Chuck soothing him.
“Let's plan something for tomorrow night. I have a feeling we may have more to celebrate.”
“Finally going to pull the trigger,”he jokes, and I grin.
Meyers, Chuck and I went to the jeweler together. I had a certain design in mind, and they had someone on retainer.
I guess they fuck up a lot and some day I'll need to see Carrie's jewelry chest, but they were right.
The man they use is perfect. I wanted Brian to be remembered on the silver band, and he came through.
“Yeah, it’s time. I have to go prepare. Thanks for the call, man. See you tomorrow.”
Hanging up, I call Frankie and have her buy a few extra things I'll need. She knows I plan to propose to Kiernan, but what she doesn't know is that she's helping to orchestrate her own proposal too.
“He just pulled up.Are you ready?” Frankie says, moving closer to fix my tie. I'm so nervous and I think I might throw up.
“Yes, thank you for everything, this looks perfect.”
Frankie went above and beyond with candles lit all around the room and flowers spread all over the floor. She even picked out some soft music.
“Honey, I'm home.” Kiernan shouts and Frankie giggles beside me. She wanted to give us some space, but she's going to have to learn wherever I am, I'll want her by my side as much as Kiernan.
We listen to his soft footsteps moving down the hall, I drop to my knees, opening the box, and face the door.
Kiernan opens the door with a gasp.
“Welcome Home.”
“Tray… I.”
“From the moment I met you, Kiernan, I knew that you were going to be my everything. You're smart, caring, loyal to a fault and accepting to the wants and needs of others…”
I look at Frankie, and she smiles.
“You're selfless, so brave and strong and the man I want to spend the rest of my life with. We have had our fair share of hard times…”
My throat chokes up thinking of Brian. I can feel him here with me. Watching as I close the end to this chapter and start a new one.
“But it's time for us to have our forever. If you will accept me as your husband. I will love you until my last breath. I will protect you with all the strength in my body, and I will bring you immense joy and insurmountable pleasure. Please say you will be mine.”
Kiernan has been nodding this whole time, but I worked hard on my speech, and I needed to get it all out.
“Yes, now kiss me before I pass out,” he says with a grin, and I climb onto my feet, then grab him and pull his lips to mine, devouring his moans.
When we separate, he looks over my shoulder at Frankie, reaches into my pocket and grabs the other ring.
“I love you Tray, and I'm not going anywhere. It's okay. Let's start our future. Don't waste another second.”
Holding his hand out, I place his ring onto his finger and take the box.
Turning, Frankie claps her hands and rushes to give us hugs.