Page 13 of The Curveball
My chest twists in a tight, sharp jab. I don’t like it, but it’s there and visceral. I’m not an idiot and can take a clue. This was not how I envisioned my night going, me realizing I’m jealous of a man who parts his hair like he’s bringing back the comb-over.
With my eyes pinned to the floor, I pretend I’m not eavesdropping as they laugh, chitchat, and do what solid, successful dates do. It’s a bit pathetic, but I stay locked in my scowl until Wren announces it’s been a long day, and good old Alvin says he’ll walk her out.
Will he kiss her? Go home with her?
I’d like to punch him in the mouth, and that final thought is my cue something, somewhere, has gone off the rails.
I rub out the ache in my chest, take another swig of beer, and stand. “I’m going to call it a night, guys.”
“You good, Griff?” Dax asks. He has the decency to look a little concerned. “We shouldn’t have come at you so hard.”
“Nah, it’s not that, man. My tender little feelings are still intact. I think the buzz from the game is starting to fade and it’s time to begin the mourning phase.”
Dax and Ryder both chuckle. They get it. Despite what Skye says, I do have a few days where I ache to be back on the field playing game after game, usually become terribly unproductive, and binge all the shows I missed during the season.
Now that their table emptied, Parker and Skye drift over to ours. I pull out my chair for Skye, announce I’m leaving again, then drift to the parking lot. The staff andRocco’salways leaves the back half of the lot open for players. Their kind attempt to give us privacy from the die-hard fans that visit.
I slip into my jeep, start the ignition, and let the car idle for a few minutes as my brain tries to settle the fact that I was jealous tonight. Over Wren Fox. A fact made worse by the truth I keep refusing to see—the woman doesn’t like me. No matter what I do, I rub her wrong.
With a sigh, my chin drops to my chest, and I build a new determination to give her space. I don’t like it, but it’s time to take a hint. She’s not interested in my fix-it schemes, and she’s not interested in me.
I put my car in gear and pull out of the parking lot.
Before I can turn onto the main road, my cell phone lights up, drawing my attention down for a total of two seconds.
By the time it registers my mom sent me a text it’s too late.
I’m slammed against the taut pull of my seatbelt, with a sick, scraping sound of bending metal, followed by the crack of glass echoing through my head.
Alvin walkedme tohiscar. Not exactly chivalrous, but I don’t mind. Not with the state of my car at the moment. I’d rather not need to explain.
He’d gone in for a hug at the driver side door, and I stiffened like a board. Hair raised on my arms, and my pulse quickened. My aversion to hugs from larger, stronger people blasted to the surface, and I had to grin and bear it until it was over.
I don’t manage physical touch well, particularly from people who might be able to pin me down and trap me there, but I don’t like to clue others in. They look at me like I’m broken.
The date wasn’t awful, but I’m not attracted to Alvin. He was nice, not exactly attentive, but he did crack that funny joke about accountants at the end. Truth be told, when we didn’t make conversation about a second date, I don’t think either of us were that disappointed. Anyway, he seemed more interested in Parker’s thoughts on the outcome of the season than me, so there’s that too.
Once I’m back in my car, I let out a long breath and rest my forehead on my steering wheel. It’s cluttered, and I’m sick of everything to do with this old Honda Civic interior. Much longer and I might break and call my brothers, or their mom, or worse—my mom.
Love the people in my life, but there are some things I keep to myself, some conversations I don’t want to have.
I glance at my cell phone, re-reading the text I received two days ago.
Grant:If there is a problem with the apartment, I expect to be made aware. On another note, I’ll expect you and your brothers at Ruby’s birthday. Tell Darren to leave the two children at home.
I frown.How many months has it been, Grant? One hiccup at the apartment building he owns and he’s jumping down my throat demanding family dinners.
I mean, I’ll go because I love my stepsister, and it’s not every day a girl turns eight. But she’ll have an issue when she discovers those other two children were left behind, aka my nephews.
Trevor is seven and one of her besties.
My father is impossible to figure out at times. Distant, hard, selfish, then utterly worried about our survival in the great big world in the next breath. I guess it’s hard to figure out where your heart stands when you’re a master of the universe
A man born into a life of luxury with a family casino empire, and a sprinkle of other businesses I’ve lost track of by now. But he’s also a father who controls his children through finances, and conditions, and favors.