Page 89 of The Curveball
“Seriously,” Mason whines and covers his sister’s ears. “We d-d-don’t need to hear that from our aunt and uncle. Stop.”
“What?” His sister tries to shove his hands off, but it turns into a game of who’s stronger. She’s tiny compared to him.
“I could use it too.” Parker’s sister, Alexis, looks like him when she laughs.
“Al.” Her husband, the lead singer, Bridger Cole, shakes his head. “You’re buying a book a day. I’ll need to get a second gig to support your habit.”
She shrugs and hugs his tattooed arm. “It’s a worthy cause, Cole.”
Skye steps back and finishes introducing the rest of the table. I’ve met them, so I stand aside while my brothers meet Adam, the lead guitarist, Rees, the band’s bassist, and their wives. Next, a guy named Quinn, he’s security for the band, but here half on duty, and half as a guest.
“But this is who wanted to meet you, Carter,” Skye says, dropping her hands on the shoulders of a guy who has a nearly identical face to Rees.
Noah Hayden. I’ve never met him, but knew he was the twin of Rees. My hands get sweaty. He’s a rising star in Hollywood, dates models like the one on his arm tonight, tall, and a little imposing with his confident smile.
“You’re a twin, so you already have that in common,” Skye says.
Noah stands, grinning, and holds out his hand to Carter. “Hey, man. I hear you’re into stunt work.”
Carter shakes Noah’s hand slowly, a little tongue-tied for a few seconds, but finally he manages to speak. “Yeah. I mean, yes. I’m in a few shows here in Vegas.”
“That is epic,” Noah says. “Seriously, the stunt crew on set is fearless and makes me feel like the biggest pansy.”
Carter’s shoulders relax, he even laughs. “Or we’re idiots.”
“Skye mentioned you and I knew we had to meet. I don’t know if you’ve heard ofWicked Darlings, it’s the show I’m in, but—”
“I’ve heard of it. Watched it. It was awesome,” Carter interrupts.
“Yeah?” Noah’s eyes brighten and he flips his gaze back to his brother. “I’m more famous, Rees.”
Rees clicks his tongue and mutters something under his breath about ego.
Noah turns back to Carter. “Sorry, you get the whole twin thing, right? We’ve got to one-up each other.”
“Always,” Carter says with a glance at Darren.
“I wanted to talk with you because we’re adding more stuntmen this upcoming season. Do you have some time?”
Carter’s face goes slack. I have to pinch the back of his arm to jolt him back to life again. “Yes. Yes, absolutely, I have time.”
“Awesome.” Noah Hayden and Carter step aside, digging right into the auditions and connections he’s going to offer my brother.
My heart pounds in my chest. I give Skye a watery look. “This is such a great opportunity.”
“What is?”
I jump when big arms slide around my waist and a scruffy face burrows against my neck. The smile comes a second later, and I sink against Griffin’s broad chest. He’s delicious in his suit, and I’d like to glue myself to him all night if it means I get to inhale the woodsy hint of his skin.
“I’m going to fake sick and take you home.”
“No way. I took too much time getting ready.”
“You look incredible, Birdie,” he whispers. “I will be pawing you all night. Prepare yourself.”
I love him. “Permission to paw.”
He kisses my neck. “So, what were you guys talking about?”