Page 79 of Until Then
If Val was some Hollywood gold digger, it doesn’t take much to guess she’d be living a different sort of life.
“With respect, Mr. Holston, Val Foster has never asked me for a dime, she works hard, and so does Hayley.”
“So you are naïve.” Shane shakes his head like he’s disappointed. “The girl feigns like she doesn’t care about me, yet she keeps chasing men in the business. Tell me it’s not a way to expose the truth, to get some sort of restitution or payout to keep quiet.”
“If it was, she would’ve mentioned you.” My voice darkens. “Honestly, I sort of thought Hayley’s dad must’ve been some massive disgrace to the family. That’s how much no one talks about you.”
I’m not naïve. In fact, I know how to get under the skin of egotistical pricks like Shane better than most. Take shots at their insignificance and it drives them insane.
Shane’s face turns a shade of angry red. “You’d have me believe a man who, as rumor has it, is about to wrap filming on a top TV show, happens to stumble onto my biological daughter by mere coincidence?”
“That’s exactly what I’m telling you.”
Silence is heavy and adds pressure against my chest. Until Shane barks a hearty laugh. He raps his knuckles against the table, grinning at me. “You’re good, Noah. Very good. I almost believe every word. Rob said you could hold a character better than anyone he knows, and he’s not wrong. You haven’t flinched once.”
I’m done here. Any more with this man’s condescension and I’m going to do something I can’t take back. Already people are starting to stare.
When I stand, there’s movement behind me. People shifting in their seats, hiding their faces—no doubt to avoid eye contact with me. As if I don’t know they were watching.
“If this is only about my relationship with Hayley, you’ll understand better than anyone why I choose to keep my private life private.”
Shane narrows his eyes. “I thought this was about your next steps in your career.”
“Yet I’ve heard nothing about a project and only disparaging comments about the woman who matters most in my life.”
“Spare me.” He flicks one hand, wiping away the entire idea of Hayley mattering to me. “I do have a project, and you’d be myfirst choice, but I need to ensure you’re not going to tie my name to any mishap from the past.”
“I’d never do Hayley the disservice, and I’m really going to need you to stop insinuating her existence is a mistake.”
Shane pinches his lips. “Whatever your endgame was with her, it’ll need to end now.”
“Huh, I don’t recall at any point in this conversation where I gave you the impression I needed your permission for my life.” I dip my chin and turn to go. “Have a great day, Mr. Holston.”
“You’re walking away?” Shane asks the question as though it’s the most befuddling thing in the world. “This is your career.”
“I’ve built my career for over a decade without you.” I stand in the doorway of the dining room. “I see no reason to change now.”
I’ve few doubts the guy still thinks I’m doing a bit. Little does he know when my mind locks in on a grudge, I have a difficult time unraveling it. My emotions sit on my sleeve if I feel like someone I love has been hurt. Acting skills go down the tube.
And the truth is, I love Hayley.
I have for nine months.
Outside the restaurant, Rob stands with Shane’s studio guys. Honestly, they look more like goons who might rough up a guy if he stepped out of line. Suits, sunglasses, deep-set frowns.
Rob must sense the tension when he sees me. In a low voice, he asks, “What was that about?”
“I’m not working with that man, Rob. Forget about it.”
“Noah, Holston Films is a respected imprint and?—”
“And it’s not worth it. Not for a man like him.”
In my pocket, my phone buzzes. I ignore my agent’s low, spluttering protests, and read the text.
Wildfire: Noah, Jasper sent a video of you meeting with Shane Holston. Please call me. I can explain. He’s my dad, Pretty Boy, but he’s not part of my life for good reason. Call me please.
I curse under my breath and scan the street back and forth, looking for any hint of Hayley’s grimy ex. There’s no doubt in my mind he orchestrated this meet. He’s likely the one who somehow brought Shane’s attention to the video with Colt.