Page 53 of Trial By Fire
Their eyes met, and Aric saw the depth of Malekith’s fear and longing. Malekith, so often a master of manipulation and control, was laid bare before him, his emotions raw and untamed. It was a side of Malekith that few ever witnessed, and it bound them together in a way that went beyond their physical connection.
“I fear for you, my star,” Malekith confessed. “I fear what this trial may demand of you, and what it may cost us both.”
Aric’s heart twisted at the pain in Malekith’s eyes. “I’m afraid, too. But we can’t afford to give in to fear. We must have faith in each other, and in the path we’ve chosen.”
Malekith’s expression softened, and he leaned forward, his forehead resting against Aric’s. “You have a gift for hope, Aric. Even in the darkest of times, you find a way to shine a light.”
Aric closed his eyes, drawing strength from Malekith’s touch. “And you, my prince, have a way of making me believe that anything is possible. Even peace between our worlds.”
Their foreheads remained pressed together, their breath mingling.
“Aric,” Malekith said, “I?—”
But their moment of peace was shattered by the blare of a distant horn, an urgent summons that sent a chill through Aric’s veins. Malekith’s face went ashen, his eyes flicking toward the door. “We’ve overstayed our welcome. You must return to your cell at once.”
Aric’s heart sank as he realized their time together was coming to an end, perhaps sooner than they’d anticipated. He nodded, understanding the urgency in Malekith’s voice. As he turned to go, Malekith pulled him back, crushing him in a fierce embrace. Malekith’s heart pounded against his own, the tension radiating from his body.
“Be careful, my star,” Malekith whispered. “Listen for my voice, no matter what happens. Remember our bond.”
Aric nodded, and his eyes lidded, committing every detail of this moment to memory—the feel of Malekith’s arms around him, the scent of his skin, the sound of his ragged breath. “I will,” he promised.
Malekith’s fingers traced the sigil on Aric’s back, the symbol of their magical connection. “This will be our safeguard. If all else fails, follow my voice, and it will guide you back to me.”
Aric emerged from the secret passage, his mind reeling from everything that had transpired. As he made his way through Drindal, the town took on a new aspect. The crumbling buildings and war-torn streets spoke of a conflict that had raged for far too long. Yet now, Aric saw more than just the scars of battle. He saw the potential for healing, for a future where demons and humans could coexist. It was a fragile hope, but one he clung to fiercely.
A flicker of movement caught his eye. Aric turned, his senses suddenly on high alert. There, in the shadows between two dilapidated structures, a cloaked figure stood watching him. The hood obscured their features, but Aric felt the their stares like a physical touch.
His heart raced. Friend or foe? Ally or threat? In this precarious game of politics and power, it was impossible to know. Aric took a step toward the figure, his hand instinctively reaching for magic that wasn’t there.
But before he could close the distance or call out, the figure melted into the shadows. One moment they were there, a solid presence radiating intent, and the next they were gone, leaving nothing but questions in their wake.
As they dragged him up the steps of the town hall, Aric’s mind was a chaotic jumble of thoughts. Was this part of their plan, or had something gone horribly wrong? Malekith’s expression had been inscrutable as the guards hauled Aric away, leaving no clues for him to grasp onto. Had their ruse been uncovered? Or was this some new twist in the game he was playing with Vizra and the other members of the demon court?
The guards threw open the doors, and a wave of hot, fetid air washed over Aric as they entered the grand hall. The stench of demon bodies packed into the space, thick with sweat and smoke and something cloyingly sweet that turned Aric’s stomach. His head was pounding from the noxious fumes that lingered in the dungeons, and he felt unsteady on his feet as the guards thrust him forward.
Sovereign Zaxos sat on the throne at the far end of the hall, his obsidian skin glinting in the torchlight. His eyes were like molten gold as he stared down at Aric, and a shiver ran down Aric’s spine at the raw power in that gaze. Zaxos said nothing, but the guards fell to their knees and pushed Aric forward, forcing him to his knees as well.
“Human,” Zaxos rumbled. “You have completed the first two trials set before you. You have shown that you possess a rare gift for magic, and that you are willing to use it to protect your people, even at great cost to yourself.”
Aric nodded, unsure of what was being asked of him. He had a sinking feeling that he wasn’t going to like the answer.
“But there is one more trial you must face. A trial of loyalty. A test to determine where your true allegiance lies.”
Aric’s heart was pounding in his ears, his breath coming fast and shallow. He had a terrible feeling he knew what was coming, but he couldn’t bring himself to say the words.
“You will be presented with a choice,” Zaxos said, his voice echoing through the vast chamber. “A choice that will test the very limits of your loyalty to your kind. Two chambers, one filled with demon children, the other with human prisoners. Both chambers are rapidly filling with magical fire that only you can dispel. You must choose which group to save. The other will perish.”
The words hit Aric like a physical blow, and he swayed on his knees. If he saved the demon children, he would be betraying his own kind, dooming the humans to a fiery death. But if he saved the humans, he would be turning his back on everything he had ever fought for, consigning the demon children to the same fate.
“Please,” Aric said, the word tearing out of him on a sob. “There has to be another way. I’ll do anything else, face any other trial, but I can’t?—”
Aric’s words dried up in his throat. There was no negotiating with that look, no pleading or bargaining with the supreme ruler of the demon realm.
“Choose,” Zaxos said.
Aric’s heart was racing, his mind a whirl of panic. The choice Zaxos presented him with was impossible. He couldn’t save them both. He couldn’t save anyone.