Page 26 of Sundered By Fate
It was almost beautiful in its savagery. But Aric knew better than to be fooled by its allure.
The magic thrummed beneath his skin, teasing at his defenses as if trying to coax him into letting go. Into losing himself in its embrace.
He'd been down that road before. And while it might have granted him great power, the cost had always been too high.
He would not make that mistake again.
With great effort, Aric focused his mind and steeled his resolve as he approached the center of the square. The currents surged around him like a hurricane now—an implacable force straining against whatever invisible barriers held it back.
And then he saw it: A dark shape hovering above Thornhaven—a rift torn open in reality itself. Threads of emerald energy spilled forth from its depths, winding and tangling themselves together into something monstrously new.
Aric's heart hammered in his chest as he stared up at the abomination coalescing before him—the anomaly feeding on their fear and anger until it could take form.
"We've got bigger problems," Aric called out over the din of battle, his voice cracking with strain as he pointed toward the forming construct. "Something's using our magic against us—it's trying to manifest!"
Aric clenched his jaw. If only he had time. If only he'd never walked away from the things that mattered; if only he'd noticed when his life went astray—when his heart swelled with bitterness, until all he could do was look away.
"There has to be something." Davin's voice trembled, a rare break in his polished facade.
Aric's chest tightened at the sight. He longed to reach out and offer comfort—but that was a role he'd forfeited years ago.
"Davin, I need you to coordinate the defense." Aric swallowed against the lump in his throat. "Use the reserves as you see fit. I'll . . . I'll deal with this."
Davin's eyes widened. "What are you planning to do?"
Aric forced himself to smile. "Improvise."
He turned on his heel and set off toward the anomaly, fighting against the currents that threatened to sweep him away. The air shimmered and twisted around him, blurring the edges of reality.
With every step he took, he felt the shadows shifting in his mind—Malekith tugging at him, trying to draw him closer. But he couldn't let it distract him now; not when so many lives depended on him.
Aric Solarian knew how to fight. He knew how to endure. And no matter what this thing threw at him, he would see Thornhaven through this night.
In the town square, a massive rift yawned open, spilling forth tendrils of emerald energy that coiled and writhed like living things. Aric's stomach dropped as he realized what he was seeing—a convergence of the anomalies they'd been experiencing, now amplified to a catastrophic degree.
As he watched, the rift began to tear apart the fabric of reality, offering glimpses of other planes and timelines. The air was thick with the scent of ozone and magic, the currents so strong that they threatened to sweep Aric away.
"We have to stop it," Aric said, his voice barely audible over the cacophony of battle. "If that thing gets loose?—"
He didn't need to finish the sentence; they all knew what was at stake.
Aric steeled himself and waded into the vortex's current, letting the magical energies flow through him. They surged and churned beneath his skin, threatening to tear him apart from the inside out.
But Aric refused to be cowed. He was a Solarian—a survivor—and he would not go down without a fight.
With a grunt of effort, he forced the currents into order, weaving them together with threads of golden light. The vortex roiled in protest, but slowly, it began to take shape, molding itself to his will.
"Aric!" Olaya's voice rang out over the din. "What are you doing?"
He ignored her shout and focused on the magic swirling around him. It wasn't until he heard Davin's anguished cry that he realized how much energy he'd absorbed—and what it was costing him.
"Aric, please! You're going to kill yourself!"
He didn't answer. He couldn't; there was no room for anything but the desperate need to bring order to this chaotic force before it destroyed them all.
Drawing on every ounce of his magical knowledge and power, Aric attempted to stabilize the vortex. He channeled both his human and demonic magic, trying to create a harmonizing force. As he did so, he was assaulted by visions—glimpses ofMalekith in chains, of Sylthris laughing, of a great magical cataclysm that could reshape the world.
The effort nearly overwhelmed him, and he felt his control slipping. The currents roared through him like a river in flood, threatening to sweep him away. His body felt heavy and sluggish, his limbs refusing to obey his commands.