Page 115 of Sinful Wrath
“Of course.”
Lucia frowns. “I don’t need a babysitter.”
I bend down to press a kiss to her hair. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
There’s a hollow ache in my chest as I leave Lucia’s side. I know I can’t let this opportunity to capture Igor go to waste, but I hate not being there to comfort her when she needs me the most.
I meet Anton and Feliks outside the hospital fifteen minutes later. I climb into the passenger seat of the blacked-out SUV and open up the glove compartment to start loading myself up with weapons.
Feliks pulls out of the parking lot and begins to drive toward the city. “Carlo, Reid, and Sergei are on route.”
“Is that all?”
“They’ve been instructed to bring as much backup as possible, without arousing suspicion. Many of our guys are still at the house with Alexei.”
“Fuck.” I tuck a few more magazines into my jacket pocket.
Anton sits forward, his head coming between us from the back seat. “From what we know, there will likely only be half a dozen of Igor’s men at the location.”
“Including Igor?”
“Yes. What do you want to do with him?”
“I’m bringing him to Alexei, so no fatal shots. No matter how much he deserves it.”
As we approach the warehouse, I spot four figures dressed in black loitering outside, but I suspect there’re way more inside.
“Carlo is waiting around the back,” Feliks informs me. “They’re under instruction to ambush the delivery. Might as well make some profit from these fuckers while we’re at it.”
“Good.” I click the safety off my gun. “Let’s go and have some fun, boys.”
I jump out of the SUV and press my body close to thebrick wall of the neighboring warehouse, my eyes never leaving the four men hovering outside under the orange street lights. I signal to Anton and Feliks to follow close behind me, holding up my fingers to count us down.
Shots are fired straight at the SUV, but the bullet proof glass stops the windshield from shattering.
I throw open the passenger door and crouch behind it, letting it shield me as I take aim. But as I peer around the door, the four men have turned into at least fifteen, all with guns aimed straight at us.
There’s a groan behind me, and I whirl to see Feliks clutching his shoulder, blood seeping between his fingers.
He grits his teeth and yanks his gun free from his holster.
“It’s a fucking ambush. Stay alert.” He sprints straight into the line of fire.
“Fuck.” I follow him.
All hell seems to break loose as I sprint toward the bi-folding doors of the warehouse as more and more bodies come out of the shadows.
I grab one man by the shirt and slam my head into his nose.
Blood spurts everywhere, and he crashes to his knees, giving me the perfect opportunity to put a bullet between his eyes.