Page 47 of Sinful Wrath
“D-does it have to be at the penthouse?” I have to get my father to postpone this wedding to try and buy me some time, if only to get to know Mikhail a little bit more. “This is my wedding day, Papa. I want the whole experience.”
“The only part that is important here is that vows are exchanged, and you and Mikhail both sign the marriage certificate. It will be over in half an hour, tops.”
“Wow, really making it sound more appealing by the second. What a romantic image you just painted.”
“It’s not supposed to be romantic. This is business, Lucia. Besides, you’re already living together, so there’s no point in waiting.”
“I wouldn’t say one suitcase full of clothes consists of living together. Besides, you’re not giving me much time here, Papa.”
“You’ve had more than enough time to come to termswith this, Lucia. I’ll see you next week,” he says before hanging up the phone.
A hysterical laugh escapes my lips as I stare at my phone.
Is he for real?
Not only has he taken away my right to choose a husband, but he’s also taking away my chance to have a real wedding.
I’m choking back a sob as I dial Elle, hoping that she can talk this through with me. That somehow she can help me view this as a blessing and not a curse.
“Hey!” she chimes.
“Hey.” My throat thickens with tears.
“Uh oh. What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” I mumble, wiping my cheek on the back of my hand.
“My father’s decided that I’m getting married next Friday.”
“What? How the hell does he expect us to plan a wedding in a week?”
“He doesn’t.”
“I don’t understand…”
“There’s not going to be a real wedding. There’s just going to be the legal stuff.”
“He can’t be serious.”
“He thinks a real wedding would be nothing but a waste of time.” My voice cracks, and fresh tears leak down my cheeks. I can’t help but feel like he’s saying thatI’ma waste of time. “This might be my only chance to have a real wedding, Elle, and he’s taking it away from me.”
“Oh, Lucia. What can I do?”
“I don’t think there’s anythingtodo. You know myfather. Once he makes up his mind, nothing is going to get him to change it.”
“I’m so sorry.”
“Sorry for just dumping all my crap on you,” I mumble.
“Don’t be, it’s what I’m here for. So, how are things going with Mikhail?”
“He’s very well house-trained.”