Page 7 of Sinful Wrath
“I want adiamond.”
“Too bad we can’t always get what we want. Didn’t your daddy ever teach you that?”
“He always gives me everything I want.”
“Well, you’re in for one hell of a shock,kisa.”
“You’re an ass.” She huffs.
“I’ve been called worse.”
“Oh, I can only imagine…” Her eyes flick over my chest, and her eyes light up with a feral amusement that has me shifting in my seat.
The more she stares at me with those dark, sultry eyes, the more my cock is aching to explore what is under that dress.
I cannot afford to be thinking with my dick right now.Especiallywhen Massimo Conti is involved.
I have to keep reminding myself that she’s a spoiled child who hates being told what to do and is showing her rebellion by doing the exact opposite of what she is told, which is why she’s partying every night of the week.
It’s her own fault she’s landed herself in this mess. Her father wants her to clean up her act, and he’s hoping that I’ll be the one to get her in line.
There’re so many other things I would rather give my attention to.
Alexei has only recently allowed me to take over as CEO for one of our distribution companies. It’s taking me so long to get him not to view me as his kid brother but as the capable, hardworking man I’ve grown into. I’m finally getting to show him what an asset I am to the family, and I can’t afford to let Lucia Conti distract me.
But we have to get married.
Unless… She’s the one to refuse to marryme.
I’ve done my research. I knowexactlythe type of girl Lucia Conti is. She loves nothing more than drinking andpartying every night of the week. Her name is always in gossip columns with one scandal after another.
Despite her father’s best efforts, she doesn’t behave.
He’s hoping this marriage is the answer, but perhaps I can turn it into the catalyst that sets me free.
As I glance across the table at my bride-to-be, a cruel smile tugs at my lips as the idea takes shape.
By the time I’m finished with Lucia, she’ll be begging Massimo to ship her off to Italy to go and live with her grandmother.
It’s going to be a challenge, but I’m not one to shy away from hard work.
Let the games begin.
I thinkI may just have the perfect way of loosening up my future husband-to-be.
”Okay,Mikhail. I’ll marry you, on one condition.” I pop the dessert spoon in my mouth and make sure to take my time licking it clean.
From the way Mikhail stiffens, I know he’s imagining me licking other things, and I can’t deny that it’s a little thrilling.
He may be all dark and brooding, but that will change by the time I’m done with him.
“What condition?” He leans forward to rest his muscular forearms on the table.
“You have to complete a bucket list with me.” I dip my spoon back into the creamy dessert.