Page 72 of Sinful Wrath
Lucia shrugs, a soft blush creeping up her neck.
“Do you not want me to come, is that it?”
“Oh, no. I do want you to come.”
“Okay, then. Are you okay to finish up here so I can go and pack my stuff?”
She nods, offering me a small smile, and I reach out to cup her cheek and press a kiss to her forehead.
“It’s going to be okay, I promise.” Though the knot in my stomach makes me think otherwise.
This girl is proving impossible to contain, and if the security at Alexei’s place can’t keep Lucia safe, then I’m afraid nothing will.
Alexei’s mansionis a big step up from Mikhail’s tiny townhouse in the city. Well, it’s far from tiny, but in comparison to Alexei’s digs, it’s like a shoebox.
I’m a bundle of nerves when we arrive, but it turns out that Bianca, Alexei, and Leo are currently at the family’s penthouse in the city, but they will be joining us later this evening.
I let out a breath of relief. I can’t help but feel bad that we’re imposing on their home even though Mikhail assures me that they’re more than happy to let us stay for as long as we need.
I swallow the guilt as a maid shows Mikhail and me to a bedroom on the second floor.
I eye the king size bed with interest, wondering if Mikhail plans on bunking with me. Surely, this house has enough bedrooms for us to each have our own…
As if Mikhail can read my thoughts, he tosses our bags down on the bed and turns to face me. “We’re sharing a room.”
My lips twitch as I look from the enormous bed back to Mikhail.
“I’ve never had a slumber party with a boy before, howscandalous.”
“I’m having another bed put in here. I want to be able to keep an eye on you.”
“Fine.” I huff. “But no funny business. I don’t need to know what you do in the dark late at night.”
“I think you’re well aware of what I do in the dark.”
I blink at his words, and a smirk tugs at Mikhail’s lips. It seems getting out of the city has lifted his mood a little.
Perhaps a change of scenery will do us good.
By the time we’ve both finished unpacking, a single bed has been brought into the room by two hulking security guys.
It barely looks big enough for a child, let alone a fully grown man, but I keep my mouth shut as Mikhail gets to work putting on the sheet.
Though after the sheet pings off for the third time, and Mikhail curses under his breath, I decide to step in.
“You could just share the bed with me, you know.” I help fold down the edges. “We’ve done a lot worse together.”
“I didn’t want you to feel pressured.” Mikhail straightens the pillows. “Sharing a bed can sometimes come with a level of expectation. Being here together is not about that, it’s about ensuring you’re safe, nothing more.”
I’m taken aback by his level of concern.
I’m used to men only thinking about themselves. Usually, it’s just take, take, take until they grow tired of me and move on.
But Mikhail isn’t like that.