Page 106 of Dark Angel
“Tessa left it for your sister. But does she realise how powerful that thing is?”
Clarence shrugs. “She knows it belongs to Uriel.”
“Then why hasn’t she returned it to him?” Charles snaps.
Clarence groans loudly. He can’t believe he’s about to do this to his sister, but he is quite literally backed into a corner right now. They’re all looking at him for an answer. “Because she’s a descendant of Uriel.”
They all stare at him, eyes wide with disbelief.
“You mean, she’s from Uriel. The Archangel.” Percy finally speaks up.
Clarence nods, “Yes, but she didn’t want anyone to find out.”
“She can wield the blade, then.” Percy continues.
“Yes. It’s how the Archangels use their weapons. Only those with angelic blood can touch the weapon and use it. Seraphim can, but if she’s a descendant of the Archangel herself, then her powers with the blade will be stronger than anyone else’s.”
“What if the person is a descendant, but also dark?”
Percy shakes his head at him in confusion. “What do you mean asdark?”
“If a Dark Angel is seeking the blade, then he needs Archangel blood to use it.”
“Correct.” Percy confirms.
“So he can use it himself then.” Clarence’s voice dropping lower.
“Who can?”
“Colton. My-” the word catches in his throat. Bitter against his tongue like metal.
Tobias hastily disagrees, “No. Not possible. Colton was killed as an infant.”
“Then why was his death not recorded in the archives?”
Robert, Thomas, Tobias and Percy all look at each other in realisation. “Wait, if Colton wasn’t killed, then you’re saying-”
“I’msayingKora and I believe he might still be out there trying to become the seventh Dark Angel. He’s making these sacrifices to gain power to destroy the world.”
Bruises Don’t Scar
“We will go tomorrow. Speak with Uriel then and sort all of this out.” Jordan assures her.
Kora walks beside him. Her nerves are vibrating with angst as they stroll a few strides behind Valarie. She’s somehow reading her book while skilfully dodging people on the side of the street at the same time.
It’s bitterly cold out. The sun is nowhere to be seen. Heavy dark clouds hang over them as droplets of rain drip down lazily. People are scurrying around them to avoid being caught in a downpour. Snow is beginning to drift down to earth, which delights Kora more than anything. Winter is her favourite time of the year.
London seems quieter than usual today. Perhaps it’s the cold season keeping everyone indoors in front of a warm fire and boiling hot tea.
“You’ll come with me?” Kora looks to Jordan for an answer.
“I will if you want me to.”
Dropping her chin, she nods in silence. She’s not afraid of speaking with an Archangel. She’s more worried about what he will share with her. If she wants to truly know what he’ll tell her.