Page 11 of Dark Angel
Daisy gives her a smile, ignoring Matthew’s face of amusement. “Fine. We should leave before he is sick in here. Last time, Violet yelled at me and made me clean up after myself. It was revolting.” Cringing slightly at the memory.
“I’ll get him.” Matthew says, slinging an arm under Lewis and lifting him up to his wobbly feet.
Daisy holds open the door as Matthew holds Lewis up, leading him outside into the bitter cold air. The moon shines faintly overhead, gleaming down in weak incandescent beams. Less people crowd the street and fewer carriages are outside waiting to escort people home.
The four of them walk down one of the quiet damp alleyways, steam from the underground workshops floating up through grates and warming their toes. Puddles litter the uneven cobblestone laneway.
Matthew’s boot sinks into a pool, his sock instantly soaking with cold, dirty water. He swears softly to himself but pushes on. Lewis is in no shape to get home on his own.
Kora and Daisy trail in front, the two of them discussing their favourite bookstore in Mayfair.
It’s a decent walk between the Sage and the Chiswick Manor. They turn down another alley. Oil lamps are faintly lit on either side, guiding them down as they plod along slowly. Lewis’ dragging feet struggle to keep up with Matthew’s stride.
“How are you so good at carrying me?” Lewis blurts out, his voice slow and slurred.
“Years of experience.” Matthew mutters in response.
As Matthew continues following the girls, half holding up Lewis beside him like a garment hanger, the overwhelming scent of dark energy fills his senses.
Infernal energy. Ominous and chilling, as if a gust of blistering cold wind blows in their direction out of nowhere. The stench of metal and rubbish filling his nose, raising the tiny hairs on his arms to stand up in response. His pulse beats harsher with each passing second. Darker energy increasing in mists of shadows.
Kora and Daisy halt before him. Their eyes widening the same way Matthew’s do as they look around silently.
“Matthew, why are we-” Lewis begins, but Matthew slaps a palm over his mouth to silence him.
His emerald eyes flicker around, trying to catch any movement. Only Infernals bring this sort of energy to the world.
They’ve trained for years on how to track and fight Infernal demons. Sensing their powers. Following their shadows and stench. Matthew knows it’s close by. “You three wait here.” He whispers to them as soon as he comes to stand beside Daisy.
Dropping his hand from Lewis’ mouth, he props him up against the wall of the alleyway on the wet cobblestones.
Lewis is too drunk to even notice that the ground is still damp from the downpour earlier this afternoon.
Matthew walks wearily towards the end of the alleyway, his hand resting on the handle of the blade tucked into his weapons belt. Angelic energy vibrates through the silver hilt, which also senses the closeness of the Infernal creature. Matthew’s exposed fingers wrap around the cool metal handle right as the creature drops from the roof of a store, landing in front of him, its clawed hand swinging towards Matthew’s neck.
Shadows Remain
Matthew stumbles backwards out of the reach of the demonic creature.
It’s dressed entirely in black; a long dark tunic with a hood covering its ominous face, matching dark trousers and boots. Infernals appear in the form of Mortals, with blackened, soulless eyes and ink black hair. Their iron clawed nails and demonic weapons are toxic to Seraphim.
Dark Angels are the Angels that fell down from Heaven, and can shape shift into different figures, but they rarely make appearances on Earth, sending Infernals to carry out their dirty plans on their behalf like pets. Infernals can use the dark forces of Earth to fight – wind, impure metals, poisons and darkness.
They’re either summoned to Earth by dark Elementals or sent by the Dark Angels themselves, appearing in thin air from other realms.
Standing still, Matthew hears the soft patter of someone coming up behind him. Without looking, he knows it’s Kora from her musky jasmine scent. She slides a golden blade out from her back sheath and holds it out in front of her in preparation.
Matthew reaches for his own dagger, its light hue glowing with angelic powers, ready to strike its prey.
With a flick of his wrist over his shoulder, he throws it viciously towards the Infernal. The creature moves quickly, but not fast enough for Matthew’s speed. The blade strikes its leg before clanging to the ground.
The demon grins in their direction. It’s ominous black eyes glaring. A sickening, sly smile showing its perfectly sharpened iron teeth like a row of nail tips.
A low hiss escapes the Internals’ mouth before it takes off towards them again. Matthew pulls out another blade from his belt. Tossing it through the air, it sails towards the demon’s head, missing it marginally.
A second blade flies past Matthew’s head, hitting the being in the shoulder.