Page 121 of Dark Angel
Jordan blinks at her before nodding slowly. “A cathedral is a great idea. Larger. More space to summon him.”
Kora shakes her head and chuckles lightly. It’s a sound Jordan is growing to adore the more he hears it. “It’s alsoholier. That’s why I suggested it.” A brow arching with amusement on her forehead.
“Which do you suggest, then? St Paul’s? Westminster? Lambeth?” Jordan starts rattling off some places that Matthew mentioned when they first toured London together.
The corner of her mouth ticks as she considers the options. “Westminster and St Paul’s will be too busy. They’re always packed this early in the morning with visitors.” She points out.
“Lambeth then?”
Kora nods, “That means we need to cross Westminster Bridge, though.”
“That shouldn’t be too hard,” Jordan says with a shrug. “We’ll just take your carriage.”
She bites the inside of her mouth, her eyebrows drawing closer and mouth pursing for a second. “Clarence and I don’t have a coach. We will have to use one from the Ascendancy and leave from there.”
Jordan frowns down at her. “You don’t have your own coach?” Shaking her head, he leans back on his heels. “I just assumed every family did.”
Kora’s expression falters, “Clarence and I did for a while when we were younger and Will lived with us more,” she starts, pausing to study his confusion, “but we couldn’t justify it when he began travelling more often than not. It was either have a coach or put food in our stomachs.”
Jordan is quiet, running his fingers through his light hair. He’s only now just realising how hard Kora’s life must be. Her parents are both gone. Her twin brother might be a demon. Her uncle doesn’t seem to care much about them wherever he’s seemed to scurry off to now. Her other brother is overprotective. And they are struggling financially with two more mouths to feed now with Matthew and Alice living with them.
He curses lowly. “I didn’t realise.” Murmuring under his breath.
“Nobody really knows. Only the Bladesmith’s since Clarence asked Robert for work before he was of age. It’s not something Clarence really wants publicly announced. He’s never been one to ask for aid or take money from people, apart from our uncle.” She brushes him off, sliding a dagger into her thigh sheath and fluffing her dress skirt back over her leg.
Jordan will never not find that attractive.
She straightens, grabbing onto his arm and giving him the calmest smile she can muster. “Come on, if we leave now, we will be there in an hour.”
“It’s much larger than I pictured it to be,” Jordan says, looking up at the Gothic spires and stained-glass windows shimmering like gemstones. It’s definitely not as grand as Westminster or St Paul’s. Those are mammoth in comparison, but this one is still substantial, and striking enough to gaze at.
“Lament isn’t as populated as London City. There’s not as many visitors here either.” Kora points out, also staring up at its beauty. Light-washed stonework with Angels are carved into the lattice. Stained glass windows of vibrant tones and shapes allow the tender morning sunlight to flow through. Flowerless vines spider their way up the outer walls. It’s old and delicate.
Approaching the arch door leading inside, Jordan pulls on the iron latch, but it doesn’t budge open. He pulls several more times before dropping his hands and sighing in defeat. “It won’t open.”
Kora groans, “You think it would, since we are part angelic.”
Jordan glances down at her. “You should try your blood.”
“What?” Her hazel eyes widen up at his.
“If you’re going to cut yourself to summon Uriel, maybe you need Angel blood to unlock the door.” He suggests with a shrug.
He watches her mouth purse before she pulls the dagger out from her thigh and poises the tip against her palm. Cutting a line through her skin, it peels open, revealing her golden red blood before healing back over within seconds.
Jordan grumbles lowly, “Fine. Let me then.”
She snorts as he takes the knife from her and opens a cut along his hand. It’s thin and shallow, but enough to draw some blood. Grabbing a hold of the handle, the spells audibly clicks the latch back, and the knob turns easily in his grip. “Perfect.”
Kora follows him into the empty cathedral. Inside is just how they imagined it to look. Dark wooden pews set up with an aisle down the centre and crimson carpet laid out like a path. There’s a stand in the centre and a beautifully decorated gold and marble altar behind. Artwork adorns the high ceilings and oil paintings of heavenly beings flank either side of the cathedral. Chiselled statues of their God are placed around and lit with a soft candlelight glow.
“This is much finer than the ones back in Oxford. They aren’t as lavish by any means.” Jordan starts as they close the squeaky door behind them. “I shall wait here for you. You should go speak with him on your own and I’ll make sure nobody comes in and interrupts.”
“Just don’t wander away, please.”
Jordan shakes his head once. “I will be waiting right here.” He promises, standing guard beside the door. Weapons decorate the numerous sheathes strapped to his thighs, waist, and chest. Turquoise eyes watching hers carefully.