Page 123 of Dark Angel
Kora’s eyes drop to the gilded blade sitting at her knees, and Uriel knows exactly what she’s thinking. “My blade is one of the few Archangel weapons forged. Made from pure metal, they are the only weapons strong enough to bring down a Dark Angel. The Blade of Uriel is the last weapon left in this realm. The final weapon Lucifer has been scouring the realm for.
“The Battle of Aureum was Lucifer’s final attempt to wipe out all Seraphim in the hope of gaining the realm for himself. Tessa was recovered at this time and my blood gave her heightened abilities, allowing her to fight like no other. She held onto my weapon, the only mortal creature I authorised to wield it.
“When Lucifer appeared in the realm, he was led to her, and Tessa fought against him with my blade. She managed to wound him enough to send him slithering back to the Beneath to recover, but Tessa was also wounded. Her body was on the brink of death when I summoned her out of the realm to repair. My blood protected her from passing. Unfortunately, though, I could not save your father.”
Kora feels a warm tear forming in her lashes. She’s mourned their deaths before when she was younger and numerous times since then.But to have her father’s death finally confirmed, it opens up a new kind of heartache. It’s somehow both painful and relieving at the same time.
Her fingertips wipe her face clean as she holds in her cries.
“Since your mother was able to impale Lucifer badly enough to send him away, he returned to an eager Colton, learning their ways and becoming a darker being. Waiting for Colton to grow enough for his powers to fully surface, there was rest between the Heavens and the Beneath. Lucifer had no reason to send Colton to this realm without his full strength and abilities, as he’d be easier to strike down, and then his plan would be wasted for another thousand years before the next set of Seraphim twins are born.
“So, he waited until Colton reached the ripe mortal age of nineteen to send him here. That is when your abilities were also fully formed and came to fruition. You are his opposite and bound to him as a twin. You are the only mortal creature strong enough to bring him down with my blade if you learn to draw energy. He can draw from your power, just as much as you can draw from his.”
Kora shakes her head at him. “I can’t draw power from him.”
“You can, you just haven’t tried it yet, my child.”
“I wouldn’t know how to.”
Uriel considers her for a moment. “Think of it how you would my blade. Wielding it, your energy flows through the weapon, and its energy flows through you. Just as you wield my weapon, you can wield his powers if you tap into that twin bond.”
Kora’s hands rub gingerly at her face as she takes in everything. “I should draw his power then. The more I take, the weaker he will become.”
“In theory. Yet, if you open yourself up to him, then he will be able to draw from you, weakening yourself.”
She expires softly. “I will learn to draw power and protect myself.”
“I have no doubt you will be able to.” Uriel says encouragingly. “I also suggest that you carry my blade with you wherever you go. Do notlet it leave your sight. Colton will be after it, and I do not trust it in the hands of anyone else.”
Kora nods, picking it up off the floor and holding it in her hands. “Thank you, Uriel.”
His smile is kind. “You’re strong enough for this, Kora. You were born to defeat him.”
Uriel’s head rises, but Kora speaks up before he can blink away. “My mother!” she calls out, standing up to peer at him. “You have her still?”
“I do.” He affirms, holding her gaze. “I shall tell her of your courage and strength when she is awake again, my child.”
He winks out of existence and Kora is left standing before the empty altar, the golden blade cold in her hands as she breathes heavily. Her heart pounds like a drum in her chest. Her mind continues to whirl when his hand touches her shoulder lightly. It’s warm and instantly settles her electric nerves buzzing around in her veins.
Turning, she sees Jordan in front of her, a concerned expression covering his handsome face. “Are you all right?”
She nods to him, wiping away another tear. She hadn’t realised her eyes were leaking again. “I have to stop him, Jordan. I’m the one who needs to kill him.”
Jordan’s mouth tightens, but he doesn’t say anything.
“He is my twin. We share a connection and Uriel’s blood. Only I will be strong enough to bring him down. I have to keep his blade, it’s the only thing strong enough to strike down Colton.”
Jordan rubs at his forehead. “What about your parents?”
Her words get caught in the stickiness of her throat once more. “He said my father died in the battle. Uriel couldn’t save both him and my mother. She’s with Uriel now, repairing from her battle wounds.”
She stares at him, not knowing what to do. Part of her wants to break down right here and bawl her eyes out from the shock and heartache, but another part of her wants to find Colton herself, scour the world for him and bring him down.
Turquoise eyes stare back at hers and she feels another tear slip from her lashes and Kora falls into his chest before she’s overcome with tears. She reins in her frustration and anguish as Jordan’s arms wrap around her comfortingly. His head rests on hers and she silently sobs into the fabric of his dark shirt.
“What are you going to do now?” he asks her after a few minutes.
Kora shakes her head against his chest, unsure of what she should do. She has no idea where Colton is or how to find him.