Page 5 of Dark Angel
“Well, isn’t that delightful! I am glad you are back in the city, Jose.” His gaze flicking between the two of them. “Might we have a word in private, Tobias?” he asks, indicating at the drawing room behind them.
“Certainly. After you, Robert.” Tobias moves aside and follows his friend, who closes the doors behind them for privacy.
Josephine makes a small, pleasant noise before turning to the boys. “Charles, would you like something to drink while you wait for your father?” she offers to him. “Rosa just made some peach tea.”
“I am fine, Mrs Carter, but thank you,” Charles says with a tight grin.
Josephine gives him a gentle smile before wandering back into the kitchen, leaving the two of them alone in the manor’s atrium.
Jordan takes the time to observe Charles, who’s glancing at everything except for him. His gaze dart around, silently critiquing his parent’s choice of furnishings and colour palette.
With a turn of his head, Charles’ attention was suddenly all on Jordan. He opens his mouth, snarling with slight aggression, “I know you think you’re now going to be in contention for becoming the next leader of the Ascendancy when my father steps down from his position. But I am telling you now, I will be getting that position, and I won’t let anyone else take that from me,” his mouth twisting into something fierce and snippy, “just because you’re here now and your father is working for mine, that doesn’t mean you can just be considered all of a sudden. This ismylegacy.Mybirth right.”
Jordan gives a small scoff, sharpening his expression to show his harshness.So, this is how he wants to play. So be it.“I’ve never really spared a thought towards having that position, it’s never really been a desire of mine to lead an Ascendancy.” Jordan admits through a clenched jaw.
Charles looks at him like Jordan just punched him in the face. “Running the Ascendancy should be the dream of every Seraphim man. You are just jealous because I am first in line above you, and you know that you cannot beat me.”
“Me, jealous?” Jordan snickers softly, “of what? Your ridiculous hairstyle and snobbish clothing?”
He notices Charles’ lips tightening with anger, which makes Jordan grin wider, showing off his small dimples. “My hair is not ridiculous, and youarejealous of my family’s status.”
“I never intended on ever becoming the leader of the Ascendancy,” Jordan pauses, watching Charles’ anger radiate off his body like steam, “yet you might have just convinced me to.”
His smirk drives Charles mad. Charles steps closer to him, his head lifting to look up at Jordan’ bright blue eyes. “You wouldn’t dare, Carter.”
“You see,” Jordan pauses to assert some dominance over Charles, who is sizing him up while Jordan looks down on him. “I am that daring.” Jordan provokes.
“Is that a threat?” Charles spits out, almost in disbelief, as if nobody has ever spoken back to him like this before.
Their chests are almost touching they’re that close now. Jordan can see the tiny inky hairs out of place on his head, the darkened purple bags under his eyes and anger dilating his pupils.
Jordan scoffs a little in amusement. “Consider it a threat, Bladesmith.”
“You better watch your back then, Carter.”
Charles’ gaze drops from Jordan’s stare down to his lips for a split second, which makes Jordan pull back, putting some distance between them.
He sees the rosy hue of Charles’ cheeks darken as he looks around, slightly embarrassed. “I-I need to go,” he stutters out quietly.
Before Jordan even has time to react, Charles is already storming out of the house towards his carriage. He slams the door shut behind him, the Bladesmith crest delicately carved into the wooden panel.
Ethereal Energy
The walk back to Westminster is quick and quiet. Speckles of water drop from the swelled clouds overhead, blending into Kora’s auburn hair. She could have easily caught a coach and been home within minutes, but there’s something about walking in the threat of a downpour that thrills her.
She always waits to open Will’s parcels with Clarence. They’re usually filled with souvenirs from his latest travels. Clarence never seems happy with them, but Kora rather enjoys finding out what the latest flavour of sugar drops are being sold in Wales or trying some Cornish jam on her biscuits.
By the time she reaches the Hamilton Manor, rain is drumming down in light sheets, dampening her clothes. The smaller strands of hair framing her face curl lightly.
Dashing into the entrance of their manor, Kora wants nothing more than to rip off her overcoat and wet boots. She managed to stuff the parcel under her garments to keep the letter and wrapping protected from the elements outside.
Clarence is also standing in the hallway in his damp grey coat and dark trousers when Kora enters their home. Navy suspenders connect around his white buttoned shirt. “You got caught as well.” She says matter-of-factly, looking at the wet fabric clutching at his arms and shoulders.
He nods, removing his coat. “Only just made it home moments before you did.” He looks at the box she pulls out from under her arm. “Another one from Will?” his brow arching in neither excitement nor anticipation. More annoyance than anything else.
“He seems to be sending them more often now.” Kora admits, placing it on the wooden bench beside them so she can remove her cold, drenched clothing.