Page 50 of Dark Angel
Heading upstairs to the atrium, Percy reaches for his coat hanging beside the door. “I will go back home and see if I have any more information. All that I’ve read so far about carvings has nothing to dowith Seraphim. But I’m sure something will turn up eventually if I keep digging.”
Tobias isn’t surprised Percy wants to leave straight away to continue investigating. He hasn’t changed since they were children. He’s always studying and inventing new things.
“I will go tell Robert what Lavina shared. He needs to be updated with this new information.”
Percy pats his shoulder before heading out.
Climbing the three flights of stairs, Tobias approaches Robert’s study. The door is left slightly ajar. Hurrying up to it, Tobias halts suddenly, hearing Robert speaking with his son, Charles, inside.
“Emmett asked for the shipment to be delivered next week. Will we have the stock by then?” Robert asks in a harsher tone.
Tobias scrunches up his face in confusion.What shipment is he referring to?
“I will have the pints ready by then,” Charles reassures his father firmly. “We still require a few more, though. Few have shown up this week. Not even Percy, and he is our biggest contributor with the amount of his experiments going wrong.”
Tobias pushes his ear to the crack in the door, trying his best not to be seen by the two of them. He has a bad feeling about the subject they’re discussing. He shouldn’t be eavesdropping, but this also sounds like something that goes against Ascendancy laws.
“Well, go train with somebody and beat them.” Robert’s voice rising in annoyance. “We are doing this for you, to ensure your future with the Ascendancy.”
“I know that, father, but do you really think this is the best way for me to become the next leader?”
“Yes,” Robert’s affirmative voice grits out, “Nobody else can know of our plan, though. It needs to be kept a secret. If anyone in the Ascendancy finds out, then you and I will be tried in front of a Diviner, and this will all be for nothing.”
Tobias’ mouth opens in disbelief. He steps backwards out of the door frame and glances around to see if anyone is watching him. Luckily, nobody else is wandering around on the top floor.
He has no idea what Robert and Charles are planning, but he knows there’s something shifty about it.
Gilded Blood
“Daisy will train with me,” Kora says, sliding her golden blade from the sheath resting along her spine.
Daisy’s brows pinch as she gives Kora a grim expression. “Actually, I was thinking of training with Melody today.”
“What, why?”
“Because you’re too skilled for me. Aren’t you bored of training and beating me all the time?”
Kora’s mouth opens to retort, but nothing comes out.
“See. Even you agree. I think Melody is more on my skill level.”
“I’d be happy to train with you,” Melody strolls over to the two of them. She’s tall like Daisy, with light hair that falls down to her waist and grey eyes like a cloudy winter sky. “Levi wants to train with Clarence today, anyway.”
Kora’s mouth purses together. “All right. I’ll see you after then.”
Daisy gives her one final pouty look before following Melody towards one of the vacant rooms.
“You have to admit, Kora,” Matthew starts from the other side of the Commons, “you beat her every time. Doesn’t it get repetitive?”
Kora lifts a shoulder to him. “I suppose I’m used to her fighting now. Are any of you offering?”
Matthew shakes his head, running his fingers through his overgrown brown hair. “No. Not after last time.” Grinning teasingly at her. “I think my pride is still repairing.”
“And I promised Valarie I’d train with her today.” Lewis adds from his side.
“I’ll train with you.”