Page 62 of Dark Angel
“What do you think they’ll do to you?”
“Experiments,” her voice is barely audible, “my blood is different. I have the Seraphim marking, but there’s something else inside of me that I can’t comprehend. I’m faster, and stronger, and I can heal quicker. What if they want to use that for their future generations?” Her eyes still not meeting his.
Jordan glances at the gilded halo Mark on her neck before asking, “And you’re scared they’ll want to use you for that?”
She nods to him. “Clarence just wants to protect me, as any older sibling would. He trained me to be the best within the Ascendancy so nobody would find out,” pausing to lick some moisture back into her bare lips, “but then you beat me.”
His brows knit. “Nobody has beaten you before?”
“No, I have a few times, but never wounded. I’d always concede before anyone drew blood.”
“Then why didn’t you just concede with me?” Jordan questions her curiously.
Now her eyes collide with his. Bright and warm. Green with a hint of gold and sable-it’s becoming one of his favourite colours. “I thought I could beat you.” She answers simply.
One corner of his mouth lifts as her face breaks out into a grin. “You are one of the best fighters I’ve come across. I can now see why Matthew and Daisy bragged about you in Oxford.”
“They spoke of me?”
He nods. “I felt like I knew you before even meeting you, if that makes any sense?”
“It does. Lewis wouldn’t stop talking about Valarie before your family arrived. We were all tired of it after a week-especially Matthew.”
Jordan lets out a chuckle, spinning her through his arm before clasping her waist again. The fabric of her dress swishing like wine. His fingers dig lightly into the material.
“Speaking of,” Jordan’s eyes draw away from hers as he scans the ballroom, “where has my sister disappeared to?”
A chilling sensation flows over her exposed skin like a wintry breeze brushing up against her flesh. Except they’re inside the Ascendancy still. There’s no wind in here.
Daisy’s head is pounding from the glass of wine she downed right after stepping off the floor with Matthew. He’s currently speaking with Levi and Harry, whilst Alice is off retrieving Daisy a glass of water.
Sitting on a chair, Daisy rubs her temple with her fingers as her gaze lingers on Clarence in conversation with the Carters. She’s longing to be at his side, holding onto him and never letting go.
The stabbing at her head starts again, and she groans, standing up shakily. Alice is taking too long, and she needs to refresh herself.
Walking through the ballroom, Daisy dodges a couple arguing off to the side, a group clearly too tipsy to still be here and a child being scorned at by his mother for peeking up a woman’s skirt.
A man hits Daisy’s shoulder, and she’s almost knocked off her feet when someone catches her. The familiar scent settles Daisy’s racing pulse as Clarence holds her from behind. “Daisy, what’s wrong?”
“I just have a headache.” She grits out as they finally reach the doors leading into the hallway of the Ascendancy. Clarence guides her down the corridor a bit before holding her against the wall. The pounding of her head failing to subside.
Her eyes clamp shut, and she can feel Clarence tensing in front of her. “This isn’t just a headache, Daisy. How much did you drink?”
“I only had one glass. It wasn’t even enough to get me dizzy.”
His hands reach up to replace hers on her temples. She winces until Clarence runs his fingertips in soothing circles. “Maybe I should take you home.” He offers.
Daisy nods against his fingertips. Her eyes flicker open to settle on the main doors. “I think you…”
Her words break off as she sees him. The shadowy figure standing in the atrium a few feet away from them.
“I should what?” Clarence questions her.
She doesn’t hear him, her gaze is locked on the blurred man watching them. His hair is redder than brown in this lighting. He’s still dressed in all black like he’s cloaked in night. A smirk dancing on his face as he stares.
His mouth opens and his chillingly enticing voice floats towards her. “Hello, Petal.”