Page 76 of Dark Angel
She turns to glare at him once more. “I know I did, and I am dealing with the consequences. You just forced him to wed with me. I am sure he would have asked on his own, you know.”
Jordan steps closer to her. “I was doing what should be done in this sort of situation. Have my sister engaged before any words break out all over town about a boy sleeping in her bed all night and trying to sneak out at the crack of dawn.”
“I didn’t need your help.” She mutters to him.
“You clearly did.”
They stand face to face in the middle of the walkway. People scurry around them. One Mortal scolds while overhearing them. Jordan just tosses him a glare.
Valarie sighs, rubbing her forehead. “All right. I’m sorry for blaming you. None of this is your fault.”
“No, it wasn’t.”
“Just please stop hating him soon. I want you to get along again.”
Jordan licks his bottom lip as he peers over at Lewis and Matthew laughing together. “We will. When he does what’s right, then I’ll forgive him.”
Valarie nods, squeezing his arm. “I can work with that.”
His turquoise eyes rotate, and she leads him over to their friends.
Alice grins as soon as she sees Valarie approaching. She embraces her and the two of them giggle as they enter the dimly lit studio.
Lewis follows them in as Matthew greets Jordan by slapping him on the back. “Glad you came.”
“You asked me to, so of course I did.”
“Yes, well. Alice wanted everyone to come, so I appreciate the effort.”
Jordan nods his head at the door. “Come on then. I want to see if it’s a nude model.”
Matthew’s brows wriggle up and down. Clearly, he was thinking the same thing Jordan was.
The studio is down some steps and in a circular room. Windows look out onto a small intimate garden with a pond and overflowing plants and greenery. The room is filled with easels. Each with a chair, a box of supplies and cloths. There’s a fire burning in the hearth, heating the room enough to where it’s comfortable. Candles are lit on almost every surface, illuminating the space in a soft golden haze.
Jordan and Matthew are both delighted and disappointed when they see a vase of tulips sitting in the centre of the room.
“Not a nude model,” Matthew mutters blandly.
Jordan snorts, wrapping his arm around Matthew’s shoulder. “Perhaps next time.”
“If there’s a next time. I’m not a skilled painter.”
Melody and Levi sit to one side, speaking closely with each other. Ada and Elodi sit opposite them, excitedly giggling over something together.
Daisy gushes as she strolls in, rushing over to Valarie and Alice, who are looking at oil paint tubes.
The instructor is busy at the back cleaning brushes with chemicals that sting the nose bitterly. She’s short and willowy, and dressed in a plain brown dress flecked with paint. Her leather boots are caked in colourful dried liquid.
Jordan sits down beside Matthew, the crisp white easel staring at him blankly as he eyes the clay vase a few feet away.This is going to be interesting.
“Sorry we’re late,” Kora announces with Clarence on her tail. “It was my fault. I couldn’t find my sheath.”
Matthew scrunches up his face and asks, “And you needed to bring your blade with you?”
She shrugs. “I don’t go anywhere without it now.” Her eyes connect with Clarence’s for a brief moment in silent understanding.