Page 51 of Hey Girl
His tone has turned coy and cautious; quiet. Also off-brand for him. He’s trying to do something nice and trying to broach it in a way that won’t hurt my feelings.
As much as I love Chris for shutting down a high-end department store and treating me to some new clothes, I really like the idea of doing more things for myself on my own. Having control is a big part of what got me as far as I’ve come. Chris gave me giant shove forward and it’s worked out for the better - but it’s not likely to last if I can’t be the one holding the reins. If it feels too much like I’m watching things happen around me my anxiety is likely to get ramped up again.
So today, I spent a few dollars in a nearby thrift store and dug my old sewing machine out of the back of my closet.
Then I texted Enrique pics of the fabric and he blew a gasket when I told him my thoughts for repurposing them and demanded I send him some mockups. So now I’m cozy in front of the design app on my laptop and a Messenger notification pops up in the corner of my screen as I’m working, and I click on it with a smile.
Mayzie: Hey babe…
Rebecca: Yes, Sugarboobs?
Yes, I’ve gotten that comfortable with her.
Mayzie: I was wondering if I could ask a quick favor?
Rebecca: Are you kidding? Anything for you.
And I mean that, after all she’s done to help me.
Mayzie: Well…it’s not actually me, so much as my friend. She’s adding a special … service to her photography business, and I was wondering if you could whip up a graphic or two?
Ooh…she’s seeking me out for my design skills? I think I might cry.
Rebecca: You bet! What are you thinking? And what is the service?
Mayzie: She now does boudoir photoshoots. I have a couple photos you can work with.
Said photos pop up in my email and I open them up. An absolutely gorgeous woman’s body is on display in some very scanty lingerie as she poses on a bed that’s draped in a poofy white down comforter. The woman’s face is cropped out of the image, obviously to protect her privacy. But I have a feeling…
Rebecca: OMG Mayzie, these are beautiful! Your friend has a gift. And these photos are YOU aren’t they?
Mayzie: They are absolutely NOT ME. It’s of another one of her clients.
They are totally her. But clearly she doesn’t want to make it a thing and so neither will I.
Rebecca: Got it. Can you send me her website so that I can match her aesthetic?
Mayzie: Okay it’s ME!
Knew it.
Mayzie: I was her guinea pig for her new service, and I had an album put together for Jack.
Rebecca: Oooh…I bet his head exploded when he saw it.
Take that however you want.
Mayzie: He actually hasn’t seen it yet. I’m sneaking it into his luggage for the next US tour and I CANNOT WAIT FOR HIS REACTION.
Rebecca: Well now neither can I. Be sure to fill me in when that happens.
Mayzie sends me the link to her friend Annie’s photography website, and I take a quick perusal to get a feel for what kind of look her business identifies with. But before Mayzie signs off, I get an idea.
Rebecca: So hey, how did it go, by the way? I mean, the shots obviously came out marvelous but how about the experience?