Page 37 of See Her
God, last night was… well, it was life altering. I’ve never shared anything like this with anyone else. I’ve never felt what I did last night when Mayzie and I came together and let ourselves feel our love so completely. That second time, when I entered her with no barrier between us, feeling her warm and soft against my skin gave me everything I felt the first time, but intensified. That feeling of completeness overtook me. The absenceof that little detail made us feel so close, and it was hard to control myself.I just wanted to drown in that feeling and never feel anything else ever again. I want to do it over and over again, just let go and give ourselves over to each other.
The damn ringing of my phone starts again, and this time, the beautiful being in my arms starts to wake up. Now I’m pissed. I could’ve stayed here all day without moving. She lets out a tiny grunt and brings a hand up to rub her eye.I bring both arms completely around her and gently roll her onto her back, giving her a kiss on her neck before turning to sit on the edge of the bed so I can reach for my jeans. I’m going to fish out my phone, find out who the fuck this is and what they want, then I’m turning my damn phone off and diving back under that sheet and pressing myself back up against my woman where I belong.
“What?” I growl into the phone without even checking the caller ID.
“The Black Fire. We’re in,” Matt’s voice says on the other end.
“What?” I say. I heard him, but I’m still not awake.
“Next Saturday,a slot for a band opened up. Remember Robby, my old roommate?He’s turned into quite the regular there. He’s there three nights a week and spending like crazy, so he’s become a VIP or something.The club’s usual go-to called it quits. We’re in!” he says, speaking a mile a minute.I’m catching on, but still struggling to keep up as Mayzie stirs behind me, stretching out her body.
“Are you shitting me? Did I really just hear all that?” I ask Matt.
“I’m dead fucking serious. We go on at 10, next Saturday. We have to get together, come up with a good set list, rehearse…”
“Yeah. Holy shit. I can’t believe this.”The Black Fire is one of the hottest clubs in downtown, and we’ve never gotten in to play there before. It’s a way bigger crowd, a chance to expose ourselves to more people.
“I can’t either. Look, I gotta go. I have to keep trying to reach the others. You work tonight?”
It’s Thursday, and I’m off tonight.
“No, I’m off.”
“Alright, let’s get together, go over some shit.”
“Alright. Speaking of which, we need to add something to the demo.” The lyrics I started writing the night I saw Mayzie dancing practically wrote themselves that night, and the more time I spent with her, the more the words came to me, and before long, I had a song.
“Another song?Damn. Alright, let’s hear it tonight. I’ll be in touch later.”
“Alright, later.”I put my phone on silent and toss it back down on the floor. I turn back to Mayzie, who’s lying back on the pillow, the sheet pulled up to her chest. Her arms are folded over her head, and her hair is a sexy mess.
“Good news?” she asks, her eyebrows raised, but her lids are still half closed.
“Yeah,” I smile, and crawl back over to her. I see a flash of her naked body as I lift the sheet and climb on top of her, hovering my face over hers. “We get to play The Black Fire next week,” I beam down at her.Her eyes open all the way now, and her smile is big and bright. She’s definitely better with mornings than I am.
“Oh my God, really?” she says, going giddy as I nod at her. “That is amazing, Jack! I’m so excited for you!” She wraps both arms around my neck, giving me a squeeze.I’m happy too, but at the same time, I’m thinking how excited I am to have her, as I look at her looking back at me from under her lashes. Her grey eyes are practically sparkling with happiness, and my heart gives a thud, knowing it’s for me.I start to melt into her, kissing her chest, splaying my lips to touch as much of her skin as I can. She looks so damn beautiful like this; in the morning light, naked, sleepy, happy. I’ve known for a while now that I’m in love with her, but after last night, there’s more to it. She’s it. She’s mine now. And I will be no one’s but hers, ever again.
The Black Fire is an old building transformed into a major nightclub downtown. It has three levels with a bar on each one, and balconies that look over an impressive stage.The setup here is definitely bigger than the one at The Cedar, and has lights suspended to project onto the performer to really give off the small concert effect. I can see why the guys have really been gunning to play here. Apart from the bigger and more techie stage, the entire place is huge and definitely brings in a bigger audience.The guys have even dressed up a little more than usual for their set.Jack is in black jeans and an army green button down open over a grey tank. He’s also added a couple of black leather bracelets around his wrist.The club is already bumping to alternative and rock music, courtesy of a DJ, who keeps announcing how much closer the time is getting for Turn it Up to take the stage.
“I’m not sure I like what you’re wearing,” Jack says with a playful smile.
We’re in the back corridor where the band is staying out of sight until they go on. He’s leaning one hand against the cement wall I’ve got my back against, and holding one of my hands with the other.
“You don’t like this?” I ask, feeling self-conscious for a moment, but hoping his smile means he’s joking.I’m wearing black slacks with a grey, clingy tank top. I’ve got a long chain hanging down in front of me, with matching dangly earrings. There’s a stack of bangles on one wrist, My hair is down, I’m in full make–up, and I’m actually wearing heels.“This is a big night for you, I wanted to look good.”Besides, it’s been a while since I got this dressed to impress, and it’s sort of the common attire for a place like this.
“Baby, you look so good I’m inpain,” he says, dropping his forehead to mine. “The problem is, there’re probably two hundred guys out there that are going to feel the same way.”
“Don’t worry. Annie is here too, and so is Ian.”
“Thank God for that.” He gives me a flirty, closed-lipped smile.
“So… what about when I go back to jeans and t-shirts?” I ask. I still need a little reassurance sometimes, and I feel it now that I’m in as deep as I am with Jack.
“Are you kidding me? That’s the person I’ve been falling in love with all this time,” he says, shaking his head.