Page 49 of See Her
“Who cares?” He shrugs, and glances over at me from behind his aviators. “That’s the point of today – no directions, no agendas. If it ends up just being a really long relaxing drive, so be it.”
The last week and a half or so has been so hectic for Jack with the song recording, filming the video, and his shifts at the bar. He called me last night from work with the idea of getting away for a day. No plans or specific destination; just drive and visit any random town we come upon. Apparently his dad used to do it with his mom, and he vouched that it’s both relaxing and fun.
So far, we’re loving being on the road on this mild September day, with the sun shining through the windshield as if it’s presenting the open road just for us. The motorcycle would have been great but a little cold, and with the truck, we were able to bring the dogs who are enjoying taking turns sticking their noses out the back window of the covered flatbed.
After just about an hour and a half of driving, we exit off the interstate and follow the signs to a town called Applebrook, pretty much just because I thought it had a cute name. We drive through the main drag, which doesn't take long as this town is tiny, but so charming. There are little cafes, antique shops, and an old fashioned ice cream parlor. The street has plenty of trees in between, and I also notice a few buildings like a town hall and a church that are extremely old, but well taken care of. I love when old buildings are kept around, giving a town an historic feel, along with some character. We find a place under the trees near the end of the street to park the truck, leaving each dog a bone and lowering the windows.
We spend about an hour strolling and checking out antique stores, gift shops, and having an outdoor lunch at a corner bistro.
When Jack makes small talk with our waiter, he asks if there are any parts of town we should see that we missed, and he suggests a park at the end of the street that has wooded trails and a hilltop with a view of the town.
We thank him when we leave, heading down the sidewalk towards the truck. Once we get Trooper and Penny out, we walk in the direction the waiter told us, the dogs pulling us along, grateful for the exercise. Our server wasn't lying; it's a beautiful park. We reach it within five minutes of walking and let ourselves in through an old gate, unleashing the dogs to let them gallivant around as we explore the trails. There are beautiful trees all around, and we even come across a tiny wooden bridge built over a stream. We make sure to take pictures here and there, because this day is turning out to be so memorable. It's not like we're doing much besides enjoying each other and our surroundings, but it seems so special and intimate, like one of those days we'll always reminisce on.
We keep walking, switching from talking about everything, to comfortable silence, to talking again, until the trees open up to the field the waiter was talking about. It's pretty wide and full of tall grass, and sure enough, there’s a hill, although it isn't huge. We decide to walk up to the top, just to see what the view really is like. It's easy enough to trek as there isn’t much of an incline. The dogs beat us to the top, of course, their energy having no end in sight. They continue to sniff, explore, and chase each other as we reach the top. From there, we can't really see the town or even the tops of the trees, but if we look straight out from where we walked, there is more field, with more tall grass and a few red and blue wildflowers sprinkled in. In the afternoon sun, the grass glows a hazy yellow that I think makes it look pretty and peaceful, the slight breeze up here blowing the blades around like waves.
Jack removes his sunglasses to store them in his jacket pocket as I find a stick and throw it to one side of the hill for the dogs to chase, a laugh bubbling out of me when they go tearing after it together like maniacs. I laugh even harder when they both come plodding back up the hill, each chomping on an end of it. I turn to Jack to see if his reaction is as amused as mine, and find him staring at me, his thumbs hooked in the pockets of his black jeans, seemingly taking no notice of our canines.
“What?” I give a light giggle.
Jack gives a small smile as he shrugs a shoulder, something sentimental casting over his dark blues. “I’m just…” he lets out a breath that’s audibly shaky, like there’s something heavy underneath. “I’m just so fucking in love with you in this moment.”
The sentiment in his eyes seems to rock me even more than his sweet words.
“Just in this moment?” I tease as I step a little closer to him.
“Every moment of every day,” he clarifies, helping me close the distance before grumbling “Smartass,” down at me. His face still holds so much pensiveness I’m not used to seeing there, and my inner radar is picking up a muted frequency.
“I’m in love with you too, you know.” I smile lazily up at him, resting my hands on his waist.
“Yeah,” he confirms back down at me, his hands coming up to rest on my arms.
“So why do you look scared?” My smile falls.
“I guess I am a little scared,” he admits, busying his hands with smoothing my hair off my face that the breeze has blown around.
“Why?” The word comes out squeakier than I mean it to. I thought we were past this.
“I was thinking…” he starts, “how much I loved waking up with you after that first night we spent together, and how amazing it was to come home to you after going to New York. In fact, it’s all I can seem to think about now, and I’m wondering how you feel about it. Do you ever think about spending every night and every morning with me?”
Oh my God… is this going where I think it is?
“Yeah,” I try telling him honestly, but it comes out on a weak breath. “What… are you saying you want to live together?” I try to relax the scrunched space between my brows. I’d love to live with Jack, it’s just so soon.
"No. I want to marry you, Maze."
And then he saysthat.
A huge gasp comes up my throat. My heart starts pounding in my ears as I try to get a grip and figure out if he really just said that. The air is quickly leaving my lungs, and I can't find any words.
"Jack..." is all I can manage, and then he drops down to one knee. Okay, so he really did just say that. My hands cover my mouth as I look up at the sky, my new focus being trying not to pass out. Is this really happening, or am I dreaming? I must be dreaming.Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh...
"Can you stop freaking out and look at me? Look at me, baby, just breathe." Even though Jack's voice sounds like it's coming from a parallel universe, I do as he says. I draw in a big breath, pulling some much–needed air into my lungs, and look down at him. A few strands of hair are in his eyes, but I can see the passion in his stare, and it seems to center me. Barely. He puts his other knee down so that he's kneeling on both and puts his hands on my hips. "Before I met you, I was asleep. I was on autopilot. When you smiled at me, it gave me a spark. It jump-started me, and it was like I was coming back to life, or coming out of a fog. You started building me up immediately, and you haven't stopped since. I know, more than anything, that my heart belongs to you, and so do I. There's no question. Please marry me, Mayzie. I promise you I'll always protect you, in every way, and show you every day how much I love you." I take a moment to let his words wash over me, seep into my skin, my bones, and my soul. He wants to marry me. He loves me, he wants to get married.I love him so much, and I…
I look down into his eyes and just barely squeak out, "Yes." Oh my God, my heart is in my throat.
"Yes?" he asks, searching my eyes.
"Yes,” I say with firm confidence. I want this, and I want him to know it and not have to question it. Even though I'm still kind of swaying unsteadily, I nod vigorously, looking him in the eye. “Yes.”