Page 53 of See Her
“I don’t care.”
“Okay, let’s see what I got…” he laughs, beginning to pick at the strings again.
We have no idea what time it is when we wake up the next day.It’s been a seemingly endless cycle of loving each other, falling asleep, and waking up to start again.My eyes drift open to see his opening at the same time, and we smile at each other.
“Morning, pretty girl,” he says, and I scoff.
“I don’t even want to know what I look like right now,” I say, rolling my eyes.
“You look good and loved on,” he says, moving closer and rolling me on to my back, hovering his face over mine.“Are you sure you don’t want me to take you on a proper honeymoon?” he asks.
“Nope,” I answer.“I just want this.Alone in our bubble, curtains closed, no concept of time.”
He begins to kiss me, with long and lazy strokes of his mouth, slowly luring me back into the bliss, and just as I’m about to let it overtake me, we are interrupted by a very pissed off growl coming from my stomach.We both bust out laughing, and agree that going into the kitchen for some sustenance would be an acceptable reason to take a break from bedroom activities.Recharge and all that. After slipping out of bed, I throw one of his t-shirts over my head.
“Are you going to make a habit of wearing my shirts around? Because I am totally on board with that,” Jack says, giving me a flirty smile as he pulls on some joggers.
“Yes, I am,” I flirt back, “and I love that I have access to a variety now.”
“What’s mine is yours, sweetheart.” He puts on a zip hoodie, leaving it open over his bare chest.What were we about to do again?
Come to find out, it’s already pretty late in the morning, but it doesn’t matter. We throw together a brunch of pancakes, bacon, and fruit, and huddle together in the breakfast nook.
“Wonder how the song’s doing,” Jack says, leaning his chin on his hand at the table.
“Want me to get the laptop out?”
“Nah,” he says, shaking his head. “Tomorrow is soon enough to get back to reality. I gotta go back to work at the bar in the evening. Let’s just enjoy today and tonight before we go back to thinking about the other stuff.”
“Good plan,” I say, tossing him a sweet smile before a sudden memory pings in my brain, piercing through my blissful bubble and my shoulders drop with the slight deflation. “We should probably talk about telling everybody though.”
He resignedly closes his eyes with a nod, like he doesn’t want to leave the bubble either. “You’re right.” He straightens in his seat and draws in a breath. “What do you think? Should we throw a barbeque, or have a get together at The Cedar?”
Before I can answer, a knock sounds at the door.Oh hell, no.It’s not even noon. I’d pretend we’re not home, but both our vehicles are in the driveway.
Jack and I share a befuddled look as another knock sounds.
“Mayzie?” shouts Ian through the door.“I know you’re home! Let me in, I gotta talk to you.”
How the hell could he know?I panic for a second before I remember how much my darling brother likes to drop in on me randomly.
“Ugghh,” I grimace, closing my eyes and letting my head fall back.My brother’s frequent visits were one thing when I was single, but we’re going to have to seriously establish some boundaries now.
“Should we let him in? And should we tell him?” Jack wonders, holding his coffee part way to his mouth.
“Ugghh,” I grunt again. “This is supposed to just be us right now.I don’twannalet him in.” I’m feeling like I want to have a tantrum.
“Mayzie! I’m serious. I need to talk to you! Open up!”
God Almighty.
“We can let him keep knocking, or we can let him in, find out what he wants, and get rid of him,” Jack says with a shrug, laying out our options.
I let out a sound of defeat that’s half sigh, half grumble. “Fine. You let him in, I’ll go put pants on. That way he won’t get smacked the second the door opens,” I say, shuffling towards the bedroom in search of a pair of yoga pants.I find a pair in a bottom drawer and quickly pull them on before coming back out to find Jack leaning with one hand on the kitchen island, facing Ian who’s by the door, with a sizable duffle bag at his feet.