Page 78 of See Her
I send her pictures of Matt and me goofing off, and one of me pouting in bed without her, and she’ll reciprocate with one of herself in bed with the dogs curled up beside her in my spot. I’ll make her laugh by putting my lips to the camera when we’re FaceTiming and she’ll do it back.It’s like we’ve gotten our groove back, and I fall more in love with her, knowing that we can get through rough stuff now.
The band’s schedule is still slammed, but I find ways to let her know I’m thinking about her.And if we miss each other, we don’t freak out, we just make up for it later. I sometimes even call or FaceTime her when it’s late and I know she might be sleeping, just to make sure we connect.
Speaking of which, I breathe in a healthy breath and let it out slowly as I approach my room, ready to settle in for a night of relaxing and talking to my wife – all night, if we can swing it.
Once in the room, I strip down to my boxer briefs and slip between the crisp hotel sheets, thankful to not be in a bunk tonight.
I know Mayzie’s likely asleep, but she gave me permission to call and wake her. Sometimes, the middle of the night is literally the only time I get to talk to her, and she is so sweetly accommodating.
I send her a FaceTime request, and though it takes a few seconds, I finally see the call connect and hear her drowsy voice.
“Hey… hang on,” she murmurs and the rustling of covers makes me almost feel like I’m lying there in the dark with her.
“Baby,” I prod. “I can’t see you.”
“I know, hold on,” she fumbles and fidgets some more, and finally the bedside table lamp pops on, illuminating my sleepy-looking wife, complete with bed hair.
“There she is,” I breathe out as she lazily smiles back at me. Fuck, she’s a sight for sore eyes.
“Hiiii…” she lightly sings back at me, and it’s the perfect fucking antidote to my heart that misses everything about her. Her flowery vanilla scent, her soft, warm skin, the way she makes me laugh… I could go on for days, and my dick is already getting hard in my boxers at the sight of her in a navy tank top with her hair splayed on the pillow. When she turns on her side, her perfect breasts push together, showing me some beautiful cleavage that isn’t helping the situation any.
"Sorry I woke you, sweetheart."
"It’s okay,” she coos, her grey eyes still glassy with sleep. “How was the show tonight?"
"Amazing. It was great. Baton Rouge’s a great crowd. They were a lot of fun."
"That's so awesome. Are you in a hotel tonight? It looks like it."
"Yeah, thank God. The bus is killing me." Not to mention the bunk doesn’t offer much privacy to talk to her.
“Where are the other guys?” she asks of my bandmates.
“After party.”
“You didn’t want to go with them?” Her eyes are a little more open now, slightly reflecting the light from her phone screen.
“Hell no,” I huff out. “I’ve been to two this week already, and it’s the same fucking thing every time. I swear to God, they’re all blurring together. I needed a night off to just be with you.”
“Awww…” her eyes crinkle at the sides with her smile, and I just relax back and enjoy the glow of the lamp on her side, illuminating her skin just right. Fuck, I want to see more of her. FaceTime is a blessing and torture at the same time.
"So, what did you do today?" I ask, shifting in bed and settling in more.
"The usual boring stuff. Did some yoga, did some work. Annie came over for dinner."
"I'm glad you had company, just sucks it wasn’t me.” I let out a heavy breath. We’re silent for a few minutes, just looking at each other, and I’m perfectly content, until it settles over me how much I yearn for it to be in real life. "I miss the hell out of you,” I add on, finally breaking the quiet.
"I miss you too, baby.” Her voice is barely over a whisper, and her eyes soften to a shade darker.
"Baby, where's my smile? I hate when you're not happy and smiling."
"You mean this one?" she grins, making her eyes crinkle again.
“Aww shit, there it is.” I feel a grin of my own widen on my face, and the ache in my chest relax just a little as I bring my other hand up to take a screenshot. “Hold it right there for a minute, baby.”
She obliges for me as I click off a shot of that beautiful sight. “That’s going up in my bunk,” I declare, raising an eyebrow at her which makes her snicker, and my gaze is pulled back to all the skin she’s showing. It might as well be gravity, and my cock is aching for her so bad it’s agony. And because I seem to be a glutton for this particular brand of torture, I go for broke.
“Wanna do something for me?” I ask.