Page 6 of Pit
“That’s private,” I snap, trying to grab the phone from him. It’s a stupid move because, with little effort, he takes my throat and pins me back again while he continues to read out the messages.
“Alec, where the fuck are you? There’s someone in the warehouse. Please come and get me.” He turns his glare to me. “You better get talking, bitch.”
I groan. “It’s not what you think.”
He throws my phone on the table and turns himself so he’s facing me, still keeping me pinned back. “What I think is that you and this fucker are a thing.”
“We’re not.”
“So, why are you asking him for help?”
“Because . . . because he left me there.”
“He said it would be simple. Stay there until the delivery was done. Call him and he’d come and get me.”
“Why would he leave you to oversee a million-pound deal?”
“I don’t know.”
“Oh, darling, if you knew how pissed I’m getting, you’d be singing like a fucking canary right now.” He releases me and stands, getting his own mobile phone out. “Gigi,” he calls, and the faithful mutt rushes in. “Watch,” he tells her, pointing to me. She sits facing me, and I pull my legs up, tucking them under me and away from her sharp teeth. “You move and she’ll rip your limbs off.” And then he disappears into another room.
I stare at the dog, and she stares at me. I offer a weak smile, and she lifts her lip in a snarl. “You really love him,” I mutter, and she snarls louder. “Go,” I whisper, wondering if she listens to anyone else, but she remains seated. “Leave. Door. Go.Fuck.” Her brown eyes don’t leave me. “Jesus, this is like some film. A nightmare I can’t wake from.”
It’s minutes before he returns, but it feels like hours with the dog staring at me with such hatred. “Relax,” he tells her, and she trots off.Relax. Why Didn’t I think of that?“Get some rest.”
“You think I can rest after all this?” I spit angrily. “I just want to go home.”
“My President wants to speak with you tomorrow.”
“Cos he wants to know who the fuck is taking us on, and you have the answer to that.”
I shake my head. “I don’t. I absolutely do not know anything.”
“Sleep, Tessa. Save your lies for tomorrow.”
I don’t sleep. It’s impossible with him sitting opposite me. He rests his eyes occasionally but spends most of the night watching me. And so, I toss and turn until the sun lights up the room.
The man stands and stretches before disappearing again. This time, when he returns, he’s eating cereal from a bowl. Mystomach growls in hunger, and he sniggers, heading towards the large window and staring out.
There’s a knock at the door, and the dogs bark until the man orders them to shut up. He goes to answer the door, returning with two more well-built men, all wearing the same jackets. The second man sits down opposite me and smiles. He’s older with kinder eyes, and he nods to the other two so they leave the room. “I’m Coop,” he tells me.
“Tessa,” I almost whisper.
“You had a drink and some food, Tessa?” he asks.
I shake my head, and he curses under his breath. “Hey, Pit,” he calls, and my kidnapper returns. “Feed the girl,” he snaps, “and get her a drink.”
“It’s not a hotel,” he replies.
“Would it kill yah to at least get some water?”
My kidnapper rolls his eyes and disappears, returning in seconds with a bottle of water and a banana. I take it eagerly. I haven’t eaten since yesterday morning. Coop waits while I eat and then he unscrews the cap on the water, handing it to me. “Small sips,” he says, “or you’ll throw it back up.” I follow his instruction. “What were you doing at that warehouse last night?”
I take a breath, knowing my next words could either land me in deeper or set me free. I go with the truth. “Alec asked me to wait there while the deal went down.”