Page 101 of High Stakes
I scoff, “Of course she did. She couldn’t wait to tell me. But I’m good with it. I don’t know how many times you want me to say I’m over Bella. So I don’t care where she is or who she’s fucking. I’m done.”
He gives a nod, a smirk playing on his lips. “If you say so.”
I ignore him, letting him leave. I’ll need to cover his shifts whilst he plays happy families. I groan out loud, grabbing my mobile and opening up Bella’s social media. I haven’t been on since she left, and part of me is praying she’s locked her account so I can’t see it. Her beautiful smile fills my screen and my heart twists. I swipe through her recent pictures where she’s at the beach with a group of people, looking amazing in a bikini. She’s started to put weight back on and she looks healthier for it. The next picture catches my eye, and I stop scrolling. She’s with a tall guy. He’s clean cut and preppy looking, most likely the doctor. They’re staring at one another and laughing, and I hate that I’m not in on the joke.
I sigh heavily and put the phone down. I’m torturing myself with my past, and if I don’t stop, I’ll be driving toScotland just so I can hear her laughter or smell her vanilla perfume.
I lose myself in office work until my phone alerts me to a text message. It’s a picture. I wait for it to load on to my phone. A close up shot of a tiny baby’s face fills my screen, it’s captioned. ‘A baby boy. Send your doctor.’ I’m holding my breath but I’m not sure why. I knew this day would come and it’s time to find out what my future holds.
I fire off a text to my doctor, asking him to complete the test. I look at the picture again. It’s hard to see who he looks like; he’s just a baby and he doesn’t look like anything but a sleeping baby. I expected my heart to react in some way but maybe it’s protecting itself until I know the truth. I go to the safe and pull out an envelope ready for the doctor, I pay handsomely for the extra services I keep using.
The weeks are blurring into one, each passing as quickly as the last. I find myself missing home, yet not wanting to leave here because it’s perfect. The people are friendly, and there’s a sleepy feel to the village, a stark contrast from London. I can even leave my front door unlocked, whichis perfect for when the doc pops around to check on me, which he often does seeing he lives right opposite me.
“How’s the sickness?” asks Grant, sitting in the flowery armchair by my window.
I’ve spent the entire morning laying on the couch battling the ‘morning’ sickness which seems to last most of the day at the minute.
I open one eye to see him watching me. “I can’t even go into the garden to enjoy this beautiful weather,” I complain. “I hate spending my Saturday like this.”
“Ginger tea?” he suggests, standing and heading for the kitchen. “The farmers boys are celebrating Georges thirtieth birthday in the village; I’ve just passed them and it’s messy. I feel like there will be many complaints in the Dog & Sheep,” he shouts through to me.
I slowly sit up, hoping that the movement doesn’t make me vomit. “I wish I was out getting messy instead of being in here feeling miserable.”
Grant returns, placing my tea down, and sits next to me. “When do your friends arrive?”
I check my watch. “Any time now,” I say, “They set off early.”
I’m nervous about seeing Aria, mainly because I’ve yet to reveal the pregnancy. I didn’t hide it on purpose, I just didn’t want to put her in an awkward situation with JP,especially if the worst happened again. But now I’m twelve weeks, and Grant seems fairly certain the pregnancy is healthy, there’s no reason not to tell her.
As if his question conjures her up, there’s a knock at the door. I don’t even have to shout come in before Aria is bounding into the tiny cottage like a puppy dog. “Oh my god I love this,” she squeals looking around through wide eyes.
I smile and stand, Grant follows my lead. She throws herself at me and we hug for a long time. It feels good to finally see her but weird that she’s here in my new life.
A shadow appears in the doorway and JP enters carrying a couple of bags. He bends to get his huge body through the cottage door. Once inside he places the bags down and eyes Grant suspiciously. Grant puts his hand out to him. “Grant Lain, you must be JP.”
JP shakes his hand, and I breathe a sigh of relief, for a minute there I thought he was going to ignore him. “Bells,” he rumbles, with a nod of his head.
“Good to see you JP.”
Aria suddenly reaches for my wrist and turns me towards her, eyeing my small bump with shock. I give my head a slight shake, I’m not ready for JP to know who will undoubtedly tell Aiden. She pulls me into another hug to disguise her discovery. “You look amazing,” she whispers.
“I don’t know about you, JP, but I could do with a pint, do you fancy it?” asks Grant.
JP nods, “I’m not gonna turn down a drink.” He gives Aria a quick kiss on the head. “Catch up with Bella and meet us later?” She nods and he leaves with Grant.
I lead Aria out to the back garden where we are surrounded by bright flowers. I purchased a garden table just so I could sit here and watch the bee’s enjoying the fruits of my hard work. Since coming here I’ve become a bit of a green fingers.
“What the actual fuck, Bella?” she hisses, “You didn’t think to mention that you’re pregnant again?”
“I’m sorry, I know I really should have but I wanted to wait until I’d had my twelve-week scan, after last time I didn’t want to get anyone’s hopes up.”
“When did you find out? How the hell did it happen. Is it the doctor?”
I laugh. “Grant’s my friend.A really hot friend,” and I wiggle my eyebrows. “It’s Aiden’s. I haven’t slept with anyone else and honestly; I don’t want to.”
“The whole reason you and Aiden split was because of lies,” she reminds me.