Page 105 of High Stakes
“Does she know about your apprentice?”
“She doesn’t need to know because I own half of the shop, Aria,” I shout. “But I could always have a drive up to Scotland to ask her face to face if you like?” I know this will shut her up because for some reason, she doesn’t want me to know about Bella’s new life all of a sudden.
“Who is this person anyway, how do you know them and do they have experience at all?”
I check my watch, “She’s almost here, you can ask her yourself.”
“A woman?” she says with a sigh.
Guy and Jenifer arrive together a few minutes later. “Guy, just in time. Meet your new apprentice, Jenifer.” I say with a grin.
He looks at Aria confused. Jenifer comes straight to me, and I wrap an arm around her shoulders and kiss her on the side of her head.
“Oh my god, is this your latest fuck?” Aria asks.
“You’re being rude,” I snap. “And for the record, this has nothing to do with you.”
“This isn’t going to happen,” she snaps. “No offence Jenifer,” she adds, “But I know him, and he’ll get bored. Where will that leave Guy?”
I tug Jen closer, trying to reassure her. “Ignore her, she’s bitter and twisted,” I tell her.
“Is Bella okay with this?” asks Guy.
“I’ll smooth things with Bella but as part owner, this is my decision. And it’s final.”
I spend the rest of the day in meetings, and so I don’t get the chance to call Bella. I don’t feel bad about it. It’s been months and I’ve herd nothing from her. She’s clearlyhappy in Scotland and we’ve all moved on. I just need to convince Aria to back off.
When I arrive at the shop to pick Jen up, there’s an atmosphere. Guy avoids my eye, as he packs cakes away into boxes. Aria is resting her hip against the counter with her arms crossed and her eyes narrowed. And Jen looks ready to burst into tears.
“What’s wrong?” I ask, as Jen slips her coat on and heads towards me.
“It’s not going to work out for me here, Aiden. But thanks for the chance,” she says quietly. Aria gives me a smug smile.
“Don’t you like the baking side of things?” I push.
“It’s not that,” she mutters.
“Guy, what happened?” I demand.
“I guess it’s just awkward for the girls,” he says, shrugging.
“Did you have a problem with Jen working with you today?” I ask, and he shakes his head. I turn to Aria, “So you have the problem?”
“Yes Aiden, yes, I do have a problem. You screwed over my best friend and now you bring your fuck of the week to work in her shop,” she snaps.
I grab her by the top of her arm, and she starts yelling abuse at me. My large frame maneuver'shers without a problem, and I shove her through to her own shop. “If you carry on with these antics, I’ll brick this door up. This business is nothing to do with you. Stay the fuck out my shop.” I slam the door in her face.
I turn to Guy, “I’m the boss. Jen is staying. If there are any more problems, the door goes. Understand?”
Guy nods and gives Jen a smile, “See you tomorrow.”
Jen is quiet on the journey back to mine. I take her hand. “Sorry for losing it back there. Aria drives me insane sometimes,” I explain.
“Are you doing this to upset your ex?” she asks.
I take a minute to think about her question. “No,” I reply honestly. “I just wanted to help you out. If you don’t want to be there you don’t have to stay.”
“I do, it’s just Aria doesn’t like me.”