Page 112 of High Stakes
Me: Meet me at Tremos now and bring Aria and Raff.
I hit send and wait for JP to turn up as I pour myself a double whiskey. The second they arrive, they look guilty. Raff speaks first, “What’s up?”
“Did you all know or just that lying bitch?” I ask, pointing at Aria.
“Know what?” asks JP.
I dive from the chair, heading right for him but Raff intercepts, holding me back. “What’s going on?” he asks.
“You all fucking knew and said nothing,” I yell accusingly.
“Knew what?” he demands, and I realise he looks confused.
“JP?” I ask, and he glances at Aria who sighs.
“They don’t know,” she admits. “I haven’t told them.”
“Told us what?” asks JP.
“How did you find out?” she asks me, ignoring him.
“Jen told me.” I groan out loud, “Fuck. It all makes sense now. That’s why you were sneaking around. That’s why she wouldn’t stand up at the restaurant.”
“She didn’t want you to know, Aiden, not after how you treated her before. What was I supposed to do?”
“What are we missing?” asks Raff.
“Is it mine?” I snap.
Aria gives a sarcastic laugh. “Of course it’s yours,” she yells. “She threw up after you forced her to take the morning after pill.” She narrows her eyes, “You treated her so badly, you made her vomit.”
“Bella’s pregnant?” asks JP, looking at Aria in shock. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Bigger problems right now, JP,” she hisses.
I pace, pulling at my hair in frustration. “I need her address,” I say, and Aria shakes her head.
“No chance. No way. Just leave her alone, Aiden. You’ve done enough damage. She chose to have this baby knowing she was alone. She doesn’t need you.”
“And what if I need her, Aria?” I snap. They all exchange looks that almost look pitying. “What if it was her all along?” I add.
Aria breaks eye contact, still shaking her head. “It’s not your choice, Aiden. You made her so sad and finally, she’s happy.”
“Does the doctor think it’s his?” I demand.
“No. But he’s been there for her. He checks on her all the time and takes care of her when she’s sick.” A tear slides down her cheek and she swipes it away. “He’s sad too and I know they can be happy together. Just let them be.” She turns on her heel, leaving. JP gives me a sad smile and a sympathetic pat on the shoulder before heading after her.
Raff takes my whiskey off the bar and downs it. “Fuck, Aid. What are you gonna do?”
“Tell her I know,” I say. “And then it’s her choice.”
I head for the office, closing the door and leaning against it to gather my thoughts. I take a deep breath before dialling her number, knowing she won’t answer. I wait for the voicemail to kick in and close my eyes. “Hey,” I almost whisper. “I don’t know what to do, Bella,” I admit. “I want to chase you to Scotland. I want to hear you say the words out loud, that you’re having our child. And I’m ready for that. I am. I know you don’t think it, but I’ve spent the months we’ve been apart, growing up. But Aria said you’re happier without me, that I just make you sad. So, tell me, Bella, what should I do? Pretend I don’t know, and we goon with our lives? Or come and find you?” I disconnect the call, surprised when a minute later, I get a text from her.
Bella: Walk away. Pretend we don’t exist. Please.
I lean over the couch for support as another pain rips through me. I reach for my phone, grabbing it from the cushion and I dial Grant’s number. It’s the middle of the night but he’s usually awake so I’m not surprised when the call connects.