Page 117 of High Stakes
“Wow.” Aiden’s smile fades, “I hate I missed it.”
“Trust me, that’s a good thing,” I say, keeping my tone light. “There’s no point dwelling.” I take a breath, then add, “What’s going to happen?”
“With what?”
“This. Contact. Us? Not that there is an us,” I say, flustering over my words. “Sorry, I just can’t think straight. You turning up like this is unexpected.”
“Let’s take a few days to settle,” he suggests. “I don’t have all the answers and like you rightly pointed out, things are still up in the air for you. Let’s just enjoy this, right now.”
“I’m talking about after, Aiden. When this bubble of joy fades away and it’s back to reality. You living in London and us here, how will we arrange contact?”
“We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it, but honestly, Bells, right now whilst I’m still in this bubble, I want to be wherever he is.”
We’re interrupted by a knock on the door. “It’ll be Grant,” I say and Aiden’s smile fades. “Why is the door locked?” I add as an afterthought.
“You’re alone with a newborn, it’s dangerous to leave it open.”
I grin, “We’re not in London anymore, Aiden. Everyone leaves their doors unlocked here.”
He visibly shudders then stands, “I better go and meet your doctor friend.”
“Be nice,” I warn as he disappears to let Grant in.
I hear Aiden introduce himself, and Grant makes a remark about it being a long time coming. “I’m in here,” I call out, trying to avoid any conflict between the pair.
Grant appears in the doorway with Aiden hot on his heels protesting. Grant ignores him, coming close and gently brushing his hand over Braiden’s silky hair. “How is the wee man?” he asks.
“She’s feeding,” says Aiden, his eyes wide with disbelief. “Bella, you’re feeding.”
I smile, “Grant’s a doctor, and like I said, he’s seen way more than me feed.”
“Well let’s not think about that right now,” says Aiden stiffly.
Grant smirks, taking a few steps back. “I’ll call back tomorrow if you don’t need anything?”
I shake my head. “We’re good, thanks.”
Aiden waits for him to leave before sitting on the bed. “I didn’t like it,” he mutters, and I frown. “Him being here like he knows you better than me.”
“He does,” I say simply. “He’s been here for me, Aiden and I can tell you right now, that isn’t going to change. He brought Braiden into the world so you can either geton with him, or not, but he’s a part of our lives and he’s staying.”
He thinks over my words before giving a nod. “Okay.” He pushes to stand again. “Are you hungry? I’ll make us something.”
I scoff, “You’ll make us food?”
“Hey,” he says, faking hurt, “I can cook. I just choose not to.”
“Well, luckily for you, there’s at least six meals in the fridge just waiting to be eaten.”
He frowns, “You were prepared.”
“Not at all. But I have fantastic neighbours that keep cooking for me.”
I get it. I get exactly why Bella settled so easily here and as we walk through the village, being greeted by friendly faces, I can almost picture myself here . . . with Bella and Braiden.