Page 8 of High Stakes
“I’ve deleted the pic from your phone . . . after I sent it to mine.”
She glares at me, “Why would you send it to yourself?”
“Memories, Bells,” I tease, “Not often I role play. Although, many girls have compared me to Drogo.” I say it proudly.
Her phone lights up and she sighs before accepting the incoming call and pressing the device to her ear. “Hi Carl, so sorry. I passed out at Aria’s place.” She lies easily, but her expression shows she’s uncomfortable doing it. I hear him yelling and she moves the phone away from her ear slightly. “Don’t be like that, I’m sorry I worried you. I’ll make it up to you,” she soothes, glancing at me.
I role my eyes and pour a coffee, setting it down in front of her. “Well, maybe not that. I thought we agreed you were just helping me out.” She whispers her words, trying to prevent me from hearing. He yells some more. “I’m not teasing you, Carl. Look, I don’t want to talk about this over the phone, I’ll see you after your shift.” She disconnects the call, looking annoyed.
“Lover boy getting fed up with waiting?” I smirk. She sits opposite me at the large island in the middle of my kitchen. “What are you waiting for anyway? Marriage?”
She blushes, “No, I just don’t feel it with him.”
“Feel what? Please don’t tell me you’re a fairy tale kind of girl cos if you’re waiting to be struck with cupid’s arrow, you’re gonna to be very disappointed. All you’re going to feel is pain, and then relief that it’s over.”
She glares at me, “I just want to feel comfortable with the person I’m with, and Carl is not that person.”
“Then stop using the guy.”
She looks annoyed again. “My Dad didn’t give me much choice.”
I shake my head. “Don’t use excuses, Bella. Your dad fucked up, but surely you have other people you can run to? I feel for this guy, he’s holding out for your cherry, and you have no intention of giving it to him. No wonder he’s frustrated and pissed at the world, holding out can send a guy nuts.”
“Maybe I should just do it, just to get rid of it. That’ll solve all my problems. My Dad can’t sell what I don’t have.”
Her words instantly piss me off. “No,” I grit out, clenching my teeth in agitation.
She looks confused. “You said I was teasing him.”
I take a deep breath, knowing I’ve got to keep my shit together or risk everything. I need her virginity, but I can’t make it obvious. “Look, not to be rude, but I have stuff to do.”
She quickly stands. “Of course. I’m sorry.” She grabs her clutch. “And I’m sorry if I made a fool of myself last night. I haven’t been that drunk in . . . well, ever.”
I give a stiff nod. “JP is waiting in the lobby to take you wherever you need to go.” She heads for the door. “And Bella,” She glances back. “If you need anything, I’m here.”
She leaves just as Raff enters, giving her a slight smile as they pass one another. He waits for the door to close before fixing me with narrowed, suspicious eyes, “Tell me you didn’t fuck her yet?”
“No, I didn’t sleep with her, I’m not stupid.”
He helps himself to coffee. “You need to play the long game with this one, or you’re going to lose the lot.”
“Don’t you think I know what’s at risk, Raff? I just don’t know how to do all this. You know what I’m like, I need rules, I need control and knowing that I can’t just go in there and claim her is too hard. All this work bores me.”
It’s a running joke. I don’t settle down, which is why Jake’s done what he’s done.
Me, Jake, JP and Raff have always been close. Jake, my non-identical twin, died a few months ago, up until that point we were all inseparable, right from school. We were pranksters, always playing tricks on one another and never taking life too seriously. None of us had settled down, although at some point or another, we’ve all been in a serious relationship. It’s how I know relationships aren’t for me.
When I met Laurie, I was just twenty. I loved her fiercely, and soon became possessive and obsessed, until I pushed her away. Losing her tore me apart, and I refuse to putmyself, or any other girl through that again. I still see her. She’s married now, and every time she hits a rough patch, she turns to me. It’s not healthy, but I can never find it in me to turn her away.
Her husband is a rich prick, he owns a massive hotel chain and most of the time he treats Laurie like shit, but she insists she’s happy.
“Did you get anywhere with her friend?” I ask.
“No, I’m a gentleman.” He grins. “She wants the chase; I can’t be bothered with that shit. I fucked some random out in the alleyway instead.”
“Classy. Aria’s nice, if I wasn’t chasing Bella, I would definitely have a go at her. But you’re right, they both seem to be hard work, cracking Bella is going to take weeks. No wonder Jake gave me two months.”
“Look man, whose to say we haven’t planned this all wrong. Go in there as you, stop keeping that beast under lock and key, maybe she’ll like your dominant, bossy arse to take charge.”