Page 11 of Outcast Island
All I see is a kempt bedroom with cozy—if a bit masculine—furniture. There’s a large oak dresser at the end of an oversized bed. I’ve sunk into the center of it and am surrounded by pillows.
And shirts?
Snatching up one of the garments, I bring it to my nose and deeply inhale. My eyelids flutter closed as I indulge in the perfect scent.
That’s when I register that I’m picking up voices again. The tones sound civil but strained. An overpowering warmth radiates from inside my chest, and I rub at it while I listen.
“Alpha Fare said the escape pod and whoever was inside it was free game to the fastest and strongest vampire,”says an unfamiliar voice. The lethal steadiness of it makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end, but I keep listening.
“Then that would obviously be me,”the male who took me replies.
My breath comes in short pants as the warmth from my chest shoots through my abdomen, then pools between my thighs, confusing me. I should be experiencing the urge to run as fast as I can while he’s distracted.
Instead… I am imagining him killing the male who is talking so that he can come back into this bedroom and devour me.
No devouring,I chide myself.Stupid death-seeking pussy of mine.
Maybe I have a thing for psychotic killers, or maybe I’m just insane to begin with.
Because I should definitely not be fantasizing about him biting the inside of my legs with the fangs I have yet to see.
But I bet they’re big,my libido supplies.Just like other things…
I mentally slap myself as the voices continue, blissfully unaware of my internal battle.
“You’re not one of us, Magnus,”the chilling voice says.“So that means you don’t have a right to the Omega. Alpha Fare commands that you?—”
A gurgling sound follows, and I can only imagine thatMagnushas wrapped his fingers around the male’s throat.“No one commands me, Ja’ar. You’ve grown complacent with your little position as liaison between Alpha Fare and me. You tellhim that if he wants tocommandme, he can come in person and stop being a coward.”
I whimper as both males begin to growl. Those familiar blades reappear in my stomach again, further confusing me as my desire melts into pain.
A door slams, then the door to the bedroom makes a bunch of clicking sounds. I can hear a series of deadbolts unlatching, followed by the creak of a metal door.
What the hell?
I can only guess Magnus doesn’t like to be disturbed when he sleeps.
With the door open, Magnus is in the bedroom a moment later, making the space seem small as he looms over the bed.
He’s even more beautiful than before. His hair is damp as if he had showered, which explains the lack of blood all over his body.
I realize that I’m clean as well, and I’m wearing one of his shirts and nothing underneath. My hair has been washed and dried, and as I comb my fingers through it I notice it has even been brushed.
Did Magnus… take care of me?
Warmth pools between my legs again.
He’s only wearing a pair of jeans that seem a size too small for him, doing little to hide the swelling package between his massive thighs. His entire body is layered with muscles, but in a lithe way that flatters the large Vampire Alpha.
This time, though, his fangs are out. To my disappointment, they retract before he speaks to me. “I apologize,” he begins, then stops as he seems to make an assessment of me. His dark gaze skims over my shivering body, then he frowns as if disappointed by something he sees. “I had hoped you would not wake without me here, but Alpha Fare sent—” He cuts himself off as if the information is irrelevant. Which, I suppose, it is. Ihave no idea who Alpha Fare is, or the male he had called Ja’ar, whom he sent off with a growl.
Apparently, Ja’ar was a lot more intelligent than the vampires I had met at the crash site. He knew how to encounter Magnus and leave with his body intact.
By submitting.
Maybe that’s why he’s disappointed. I’m still gawking at him like an idiot.