Page 27 of Doctor Holliday
He half expected a fight, but Ruby only broke into a fit of giggles.
“Good thing.” She caught her breath. “You sure can’t dance.”
Chapter 13
Friday,December 15th
“It’s Aunt Kim,” Callie announced from her slouched position over Lucy’s bed. Lucy narrowed her eyes at her daughter.
“Do not answer it!” she hissed as Callie slid her phone closer. “I don’t have time?—”
“Hey, Aunt Kim.”
Lucy aimed an over-the-top frown at Callie when she tapped the button.
“Hey, Cal. Your mom around?”
Lucy backed into her closet shaking her head no.
“Yeah, she’s right here. She’s getting ready for a date,” Callie told Kim.
“Dammit.” Lucy rolled her eyes, but she had to laugh.
“A date…Hmmm.”
“It’s just a date,” Lucy lied as she turned to study the items hanging in the closet. It wasn’t just a date. At least she hoped not. She wasn’t sure exactly what she wanted from tonight. While the idea of finding herself skin to skin with Keaton Thatcher was very appealing—she had dreamt about it the night before last—she didn’t want to jump into it, into bed, that fast. Lucy kind of wanted to be courted. Wooed.
She was too old for games. She wanted this to matter.
“Then why have you been staring into your closet for a decade?” Callie asked.
Lucy planted her hands on her hips and looked over her shoulder. Callie, now propped on her pillows, answered with only an insolent grin.
“I haven’t.”
“She has, Aunt Kim. She’s also tried on three dresses.”
If Callie were a girlfriend and not her daughter, she would flip her off.
“Go with the sluttiest look you have,” Kim coached over the phone.
“That one’s at the dry cleaners.”
Lucy spun around and stared at Callie, mouth agape.
“Seriously, Luce. You should get laid. It’s almost Christmas time. Even Santa comes once a year.”
“Kimberly.” Lucy groaned and dropped her head to her hands to hide her face. “Your niece is sitting right here.”
“You are way out of touch if you think your eighteen-year-old daughter doesn’t know what it means to come.”
Lucy lifted her head enough to peek at Callie, her heart crashing at her feet when Callie’s face turned beet read and she looked away. Of course, Callie had messed around with boys. And yes, Lucy assumed she’d had sex. They had talked about it when Callie was fifteen. And because Lucy was an ob-gyn and not just the mother of a beautiful teenage girl, Callie had been on birth control since she was sixteen.
Never mind that the mother in Lucy pretended it was to keep her periods regular and not to allow her to explore her sexuality.
“Maybe she doesn’t particularly want to hear about her mother in the same sentence as the wordcome.”