Page 33 of Doctor Holliday
“I don’t want you to think I do this all the time.”
Lucy shook her head. “I don’t. I think this…” She nodded her head back and forth as if to sayus, “was the last thing on your mind, and then life threw you a curveball. And you did the compassionate thing, and now here we are.”
“I’ve done this one time since the divorce was final.” He squeezed her waist. “And I have to admit, it wasn’t great. Maybe it was more that I felt like it was…the way things are done. When you’re divorced.”
“I’m gonna need more than one time with you.” She traced her fingertips up the back of his neck. “Just so you know that.”
“I haven’t stopped thinking about you since the night…” He shrugged and let his words trail off. Now wasn’t the time for either of them to think about Logan and how they had worked together to deliver her baby.
“Keaton.” She laughed softly and rested her head on his shoulder. “We’re adults, right?”
“Are you ready?”
He lifted his hand and gently pushed her hair back from her face.
“I am.”
Going through the motions—Keaton helping her with her coat, walking to the car, his hands lifting her with ease into his truck—kindled the burn in her belly, the heat in her core. Part of her wanted to slow down and end the night with a kiss, but mostly, Lucy wanted to be naked with him in his sheets.
“My house okay?” he asked her as he pulled out of the parking lot.
A Michael Bublé Christmas song played as they rode in charged silence. Keaton reached for her, but he only played with her hair and then rested his hand on her leg, just above her knee. The touch was suggestive but no more than that. Still, the heat from his hand seeped into her skin, into her thighs, and her core. He would find her wet when he undressed her. The thought, the idea of him sliding his fingers between her legs and feeling her damp thong, made her shiver.
“Ruby will be gone all night, and Alyssa is picking her up from her friend’s,” he said as he drove. “I don’t go get her until later in the afternoon.”
Lucy swallowed hard. She wasn’t sure what she wanted, other than Keaton. His big body enveloping hers, his cock inside her, and those eyes focused intently on hers, on her body. While she had no intention of rushing through the act and leaving to go back home, she wasn’t sure she should stay the whole night, either.
“Hey.” He took her hand and lifted it to his mouth to kiss her knuckles. “No pressure. I just want you to know I can take you home whenever you’re ready.”
His warm breath over her skin made her shiver with delight. If his kissing her hand made her feel so good, what would it be like to have his face buried in her neck? His lips on her breasts?
“I don’t know what I want,” she whispered and shook her head. “Beyond you. This.”
He gave her a simple nod and turned his attention back to the road.
When he turned into a neighborhood she had driven past many times, she sat up a bit straighter and watched the houses slide by the truck windows. Most of them were lit up for Christmas—displays of Santas, Frosties, and nativity scenes dotted the yards they passed.
“Wow.” She leaned forward to appreciate the perfectly spaced white lights that lined his roof when he pulled into a driveway. Elegant golden reindeer and a lighted sleigh were nestled in his front yard. “Where’s Santa?”
“He only comes once a year,” Keaton told her with a grin.
She laughed softly straining to see the display over her shoulder as Keaton steered the truck into the garage.
“Interesting.” She unbuckled her seatbelt. “My sister said the same thing to me earlier, though in a slightly different context.”
He killed the engine, pressed the remote to close the garage door, and unbuckled his own seatbelt.
“I think I can make you come a few times,” he said with a sexy little smirk. “Maybe more.”
“It’s been so long, you’re gonna make me come with one touch.”
“What’re we waiting for?”
Before she could react, he opened his door and slid out of the cab only to hurry around to her side and open her door. She slid down his body this time, moaning softly when she felt the press of his erection at her middle.
“Wait.” He laughed when her toes hit the cement, and she leaned forward to kiss him.