Page 28 of Hunting My Vampire
The gates swung open and I drove up to the huge façade with the gravel driveway. It looked like something from TV. I expected butlers to come and greet me. Jack had told me about the castle, that it was old and grand, but I had not quite expected this level of grandeur. It looked like something out of a fairy tale, belonging to a king or a prince of a country. I wasn’t exactly dressed for visiting a prince nor did I even have anything like that at home. Did I even own a dress? I had to think carefully.
I didn’t like feeling uncertain of myself so I walked determinedly to the front door and knocked. After a while, a doorman of sorts came to look at me like I had found the wrong place by mistake. Like I was supposed to enter via the servant entrance.
“Yes?” he looked at me, very unfriendly.
“I’m here to see Mr. Beaufort,” I said, rather amused. Was I really supposed to go through all this every time I wanted to see Jack?
“Just a minute, do you have an appointment?”
“Yes,” I said with a laugh.
Then he closed the door in my face, leaving me outside.
I was stunned by his rudeness.
A moment later the door was opened again by a pretty young girl in a tight skirt and very high heels.
“May I help you?”
“I’m here to see Jack,” I said, less amused by the whole drama now. I wanted to go in and see the man, not talk to a million minions.
“Yes, only I don’t see you in his appointment book? What is your name”
She had a kind of Filofax open and a pen, supposedly trying to find my name.
“He told me to come by tonight.”
“Did he now?” She gave me a sarcastic look, her perfectly plucked eyebrows shooting up over the green eyes.
“Yes, he did.”
She folded her arms and looked condescendingly at me.
“If I had to let every girl in here who claimed to have a date with Mr. Beaufort, he’d be overrun by groupies.”
“Oh, really?” I said to her. “Overrun by groupies, is it?”
Our conversation had deteriorated into some kind of stand-off.
“Would you just call him already? He will confirm our ‘appointment’.”
“I will not. He has other engagements tonight.”
“Does he? Really?”
I took out my phone and dialed his number.
Unfortunately for me, it just rang and then went to voicemail.
I gave her a long stare.
“Here’s how it’s going to go. You let me in, right now or I make you let me in. Which will it be?”
I saw a lot of fluttering of the eyelids, and I’d had enough. I moved quickly, pushing past her, grabbing her wrist but not twisting it.
“Hey!” she yelled out in shock but I was already inside.
Jack came down an elaborate staircase and beamed when he saw me.