Page 35 of Hunting My Vampire
“The two of them?” I frowned. I couldn’t quite picture it. Even though I had no feelings for Charlotte, I felt betrayed by her spending time with Simon. She knew I didn’t like him, that we didn’t get on. Why would she seek him out?
It was likely, of course, that he had used his charms on her, that he had been trying to use her. That made sense. Now she was calling him, I didn’t like that at all.
“There is another thing,” Zoran said.
“He has been opening clubs in New York.”
“How?” I demanded to know, exasperated. He knew about the family ban and I would have thought he wouldn’t get licenses.
“I think he has made a deal with the mayor,” said Zoran.
“Who is it now?” I asked. It was sometimes hard to keep up with all the new appointments. The mayors came and went so quickly.
“A Mexican, I think,” said Zoran.
“Vargas?” The name came to me somehow.
“Could be,” Zoran said.
“I need more information,” I said curtly.
I had waited a long time for evidence of his wrongdoing and this phone call was a sign he was plotting against me.
I was sure that he had meant Kaya and my relationship with her. Why wouldn’t it last? What was he planning?
I felt a terrible fury building up in me. I wouldn’t allow him to interfere in my happiness. Simon needed to leave right away. I had to get him as far away from Kaya as possible.
She needed to be protected.
I had to keep her safe.
We were seeing each other now, taking it slowly, spending time a few nights a week but I couldn’t get enough of her. Making love was electrifying, every time. I couldn’t get enough of her body. Our relationship was still very much physical but it was more than that and she was beginning to see it, I was sure of it. I was winning her over, slowly but surely.
I wanted her with me at the castle, to marry her and for us to be together as long as possible.
We were meant to be together. I was sure of it and I was convinced she would see it too, eventually.
But I would have to deal with Simon first.
Chapter 15
When I arrived at the auto shop, I found Fuzz and Roberto in the workshop.
“What’s up, guys?” I asked, because something was clearly going on. They were both smirking like teenage boys and I wanted in on the joke.
Fuzz nodded in the direction of the street, where a young woman in a tiny skirt and ridiculously high heels was heading towards the auto shop.
“We were just watching her trying to park,” grinned Roberto. “It was hilarious!” He moved forward, “I take first dibs!”
“No,” I said sternly, “I’ll handle this.”
Miss Prom Queen came in, looking flustered and upset, complaining of her car making a “funny sound”. She tried to copy the whining sound, making all kinds of noises that did sound rather funny.
“I’ll bring it in, shall I?” Roberto offered, taking the keys and driving the car into the workshop.
While Fuzz took the young woman’s details, I established that it was part of the car’s exhaust that had come loose.