Page 3 of Hearts Of Darkness
My gaze jerks in the direction of the voice. Anything to escape that toxic scrutiny. The man with the scar is gesturing at me.
Turning back, I find I’m being devoured, stripped naked, and debased right there in front of everyone by those insidious pools of black.
“Oh look, she bought champagne…”
I did?I glance down to see I’m still clutching the bottle from the store.
“But there’ll be no celebrating tonight.”
He relieves it from my trembling fingers and carelessly tosses it to one side. The glass smashes to smithereens as soon as it hits the sidewalk, the alcohol staining the dirty asphalt like blood from a gaping wound.
I dare to lock eyes with him again. He’s older than I first thought—early-to-mid thirties. They say the devil can mimic many forms, but can he really mimic pure perfection such as this? In the harsh glare of the streetlight, his expression is unreadable, but his features are mesmerizing. That full mouth, those carved cheekbones…
It takes me a moment to get a hold of myself. When I do, I find I’m being led toward the vehicle.
Not this! Anything but this!
Terrified, I buck backward against him with all my strength, colliding with those solid muscles again and something even harder.Holy shit, is that his erection?
I consider making a run for it, but even with the liquid fire of ‘fight or flight’ pumping through my veins, I know my odds are less than zero. These men would shoot me down like a dog in the street.
“I gave you my word, Eve,” he says, slamming a hand between my shoulder blades and leaving me no choice but to bend to his will. “It’s not something that’s broken lightly.”
The sirens are getting louder. Glances are exchanged, and the men spring into action. Two jump into the front of the vehicle while the devil slides into the back seat after me. Doors slam and the car accelerates away. I’m thrown backwardagainst the cream leather, but my captor barely shifts.
His thigh is rammed up against my own, and I daren’t move it away.
“Hack the store cameras and wipe them clean,” I hear him say. The guy in the passenger seat nods, pulls out a laptop and sets to work immediately. “Water?”
With a start, I realize he’s addressing me.
Glancing down at the outstretched bottle, I feel a surge of hope. If he’s offering me sustenance, surely he doesn’t want to kill me…yet.
I take it without thanks, defying him as much as I dare with my lack of manners, feeling the heat of his scrutiny again as I twist the cap and bring the bottle to my lips. The water is cool and refreshing. It tastes faintly metallic though, as if soured by his nearness. I replace the cap and hand it back, our fingers briefly touching as I do. I flinch as shockwaves detonate throughout my body.
He takes a swig from the same bottle, not bothering to wipe the rim first. “Are you scared of me?” he asks casually.
Is he serious?
My silence grows leaden and dense.
“I asked you a question, Eve.”
Stop saying my name. There’s something so sinister, so…sexual about it.
“Do I need to repeat myself?”
“No. Yes… Yes, I’m scared of you!” My voice is barely audible above the screams of the engine.
He nods, accepting this, before taking another swig from the bottle. “You should be.”