Page 20 of Fallen Stars
Kirsten and I exit the kitchen and get back to our tables. Max calls out my order and I collect it from the kitchen pass-through window. I fill a mug with coffee, dump several packets of sugar and a heavy hand of creamer in, and sit on a stool at the end of the diner counter.
As I unravel my silverware, the bell over the door jingles. I look up to greet whoever walked in and spy Skylar with a bright and cheery smile on her face. It doubles when she sees me sitting down to eat. She winds her way through the restaurant and parks on the stool to my left.
“Morning.” I shove a forkful of pancakes in my mouth. “Here for work?” The question comes out garbled and I apologize.
Skylar chuckles as she leans into my side and gives me a hug. “Morning, Ollie.” She shakes her head. “Nope. I missed breakfast this morning, so I’m strictly here to eat.”
I point my fork at my plate. “I suggest the chocolate chip pancakes with a healthy dollop of whipped cream.”
Skylar eyes the disappearing pancakes on my plate and hums. “They do look good, but the banana and Nutella crepes have been calling my name for an hour.”
“Another favorite of mine.” I nod.
Kirsten finishes up with a customer then comes over to greet Skylar. They chat for a few minutes—mostly about their boyfriends (insert eye roll)—before Kirsten walks off and inputs her order.
Skylar swivels in her seat to face me. “I know you’re short on time, but we should all get together soon. It’s been far too long.”
The jealous part of me wants to say,Yeah, because you’re all too busy with your significant others.But I bite my tongue.
Truly, I am happy for Skylar, Kirsten, and Delilah. They found love. They’ve started the next phase of their lives with someone they care about. Life has never been better for them, and that’s a good thing.
But damn, do I miss them. I miss seeing them more often than not.
Yes, I’ve spent a significant amount of time with Levi over the years. But I’ve spent just as much time with Skylar, Kirsten, and Delilah.
And now… time is all I have. Except it’s mostly alone.
“I’d like that.” I sip my coffee. “Text the group with dates and we’ll sort it out.”
Skylar riffles through her purse and pulls out her phone. Her fingers fly across the screen. A moment later, my phone vibrates in my pocket. Then it vibrates again.
Wiping my hands off, I fish my phone from my pocket to see two text notifications. One from Skylar and the second from Levi. My pulse soars in my chest as I stare down at the screen, unsure which to read first.
I tap on Skylar’s message.
Movie night, next week, my place. What days are good for everyone?
I type out a quick response.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday
After I hit send, I close the group chat and tap on my text history with Levi.
Sorry I’m a dick. Work has been insane. Feels like I never leave my desk. Hang tonight?
For days, my brain has spiraled. I’ve replayed last Sunday again and again, overanalyzing every minute. His eyes on me as the food reheated. How it looked like he wanted to say something but wouldn’t or couldn’t. The mention of Abigail Calhoun by his mom and how she’d be agood matchfor Levi. The way his mom’s words shredded me as Levi agreed to dinner. But most of all, that undeniable electricity in the room as I prepared to leave.
I swear it’s all in my head, but maybe it’s not. Maybe Levi feelssomethingfor me too.
Days of silence from him has been torture. I thought he ghosted me or finally caved to his parents’ persistence, or maybe he and Abigail clicked and decided to give a relationship a try.
I went on some mind-bender while he has been swamped at work.