Page 22 of Fallen Stars
Beside me, Levi tenses. The sudden jerk silences me and stirs up a dozen questions.
My eyes flash to Hailey and Trip, but they are lost in their own conversation as they eat.
Did that really happen? Or is my mind playing tricks?
Hour-long minutes tick by as neither of us says a word. Per usual, it isn’t uncomfortable. Time with Levi is always worth every second. It’s the leaving that sucks.
“Sorry about this week.” He covers his face with his hands, rubs his eyes, then drags them down his cheeks. “This new client…” He drops his elbows to his knees, clasps his hands, and turns his head to meet my gaze. “I think it’s bigger than they or Tymber knew.”
I don’t ask for details because Levi can’t share them. But he and Tymber both need someone to confide in when work gets heavy. They shouldn’t have to keep it bottled up.
“Wish I could help.”
The corner of his mouth twitches as he nods. “You do.” He sits up and inhales deeply. “This”—he waves a hand toward the stage—“being here with you, it helps.”
Warmth blooms in my chest as I absorb his admission. Uncertainhowexactly I help, I allow myself to fantasize it is more than just giving him a place to hang out after work. I indulge in the possibility that I am more than his friend.
“Ollie, man.” Trip rises from the couch and holds a hand out for Hailey. “We’re gonna head out.” He looks to Levi. “Thanks for the grub. Appreciate it.”
As we exchange goodbyes, I confirm our next practice. After a hug from Hailey, they disappear out the side door.
Silence echoes through the garage as I reach for another slice of pizza. Usually, when it’s quiet like this with Levi, it’s nice. Peaceful. Easy.
But today, the energy in the room feelsoff.
“I need to tell you something.”
Ding, ding, ding.
“But I don’t want to upset you.”
Fuck.This is going to hurt.
I chew the food in my mouth and reluctantly swallow as I set the rest of the slice down. “Okay…” The word is a mile long as it leaves my lips. My stomach churns, and I inhale a slow, deep breath.
His fingers dive into his hair before they fall to his lap. “Not saying you won’t, but I need you to hear everything.” A pained look consumes his expression. “Please,” he whispers.
Leaning back, I nod. “Yeah. Of course.”
Knee bouncing, he looks anywhere but at me. His hands fist in his lap, then relax. “Dinner last Sunday was an overzealous show like usual. Fancy meal, wine, dessert.” Sinking into the couch, he tips his head back and stares at the ceiling. “Every time is worse. And not just for me.” He shakes his head. “For whoever my parents force to sit next to me too.”
I study his profile as he gets lost in his head a moment. Without looking too hard, it’s easy to see how this whole situation with his parents is slowly eating away at his soul.
If I were able to make this better for him, I would without hesitation.
“Mid-dessert, I left the table.” He pauses and swallows. Then, this indescribable emotion twists his expression. “Abigail followed me outside.”
My stomach knots, and I fist my shirt.
Levi rotates his head against the back of the couch. His luminous blue eyes lock onto my greens and hold me captive.
I forget how to breathe.
“She’s in love with someone else.”
Cool air fills my lungs as I mentally sigh with relief.